FrothyOmen - What TF3 Should Be

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by ensc, Aug 11, 2017.

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  1. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    FrothyOmen, one of the most respected players/contributors in the Titanfall community just narrated a nearly one hour long video where he was representing the views of some of the most competitive players, where they were comparing the changes made in TF2 to how things were in TF1 and offering their suggestions on how TF3 should be.
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  2. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    I honestly can't stand frothys voice lol but having Jer dud doing this would have been a lot worse. Regardless of frothys voice this was a great video , and I am glad respawn has someone like frothy potentially get feedback from.

    My disagreements with the list of complaints are first the Titans themselves. Seems like most people favor the customized kits from Tf1 but I don't think I do. I haven't played the first game but I do really like the specialized identities each Titan has in Tf2. I think it makes the titans feel more special and I think it gives the player a better chance of mastering certain styles they want to use. Yes in a way it limits you as a player because you get locked into that particular titans abilities but i think it's a great way to give the titans themselves a personality and a voice of their own. In a way it's brilliant. Also I think it's a better way to make the opposing player know how to approach certain titans and how to Fight them once you learn the game. Customized kits I think turns the action to much into a guessing game and it would be harder on the oppposing player to make decions on how he wants to approach you. From a tactical perspective I think having the specialized titans enhance the level of strategy a player needs to become successful. I love the specialized titans.

    Rodeos , seems like the video says Tf2 left out a major segment of the first game . From what I gathered it seemed like frothy was saying you could rodeo a Titan a lot easier in the first game and keep jumping on it continuously until you destroyed it. I can see from the pilots perspective why you would enjoy that but what about from the titans perspective? I think if I'm using a Titan and I keep having to deal with annoying pilots jumping on my back CONSTANTLY would get very annoying . So with regards to this aspect I'm not sure I would favor more rodeos , I think Tf2 has a better balance to it.

    Slide hopping ? The video says it's to easy to do. Unmmm who the hell can even do this successfully?? Lmao. Yea it might be easy for pros but casual players ? No way. I still can't do it and I been playing this game since it came out. And I basically see nobody doing this in matches I'm in. So again this complaint is not a good one because it doesn't relate to 85% of people who play this game.

    Campaign mode , seems they want to keep it around for Tf3 but use it more in a tutorial sense. I think that's a very good idea. But personally I would favor them not doing a campaign and give us a fully robust multiplayer that kicks the living dog crap out of all the other games out there lol.

    No mention of network problems like Lag. Again I still find it hard to believe this was not a major problem for this game. The odds are that it's just a coincidence that I experience the lag I feel are very low. I think this game for some reason has a big bug somewheres with the network coding or whatever. But something is very off with it.

    No mention of improving matchmaking ? The mixed play doesn't work nearly good enough , this should be improved drastically.

    Other than that I think I would agree with pretty much everything else in the video, and there was a lot of things mentioned. He brought up the gunplay being flawed in this game and while I don't think his reasons are wrong per say , I don't want to have a game where the recoil of the guns kick all over the place. I think the way the guns are used in this game are excellent and I love the great hip firing the game offers. Does the gun function and balance need some tweaking ? Yes I will agree with that. But no I don't think it's flawed at all. Basically all the guns in the game are awesome and very fun to use .
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  3. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    #3 Omega82, Sep 3, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2017
    I'm surprised nobody else commented to this post. I know it took me a month to respond but I had to gear myself up to listen to frothys scratchy voice. Lol.

    The sad thing is I really don't know if there's going to be a Tf3. Gun to my head i would say yes but why wouldn't Respawn or EA have made a statement about it yet ?

    Oh I see there is another thread about this video. So I guess I responded to the wrong one . Should I just put my reply in the other thread ?
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  4. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Yeah, Jerdude, ugghh! yuck! :) I miss Jax. He was awesome!!!

    Yes, I was a little surprised by this too, but as you said there was another thread here about it. What happened was that I started this thread first and no one replied. Then 5 threads were created fairly quickly of different people showing some gameplay videos they did, so this got blown out of the main 5 threads, never to return again until you saw it. In between there, I mentioned the video to Derrame and he started a separate thread about it, which is the one you also found now.

    It is no problem to have multiple threads here even about the same thing. I think it's actually a good thing. They frown upon that in the official forums, but I think if 2 threads have different titles about the same thing, the titles might attract different people. For example, there is a thread about this on the official forums called "Project Nessie - Building a Better Titanfall 3", which has tons of feedback now (11 pages worth).
    However, at the same time Derrame added his post here, he did not see that thread there and added a new one there with a link to the video and gave it the title of "Titanfall 1 Is Better Than Titanfall 2". They merged the two together. That's fine if that is how they like to operate, but I disagree with it. The reason is, some people might see the title of "Project Nessie..." and think, "WTF is that?" and just move on to the next thread. where a title of "Titanfall 1 Is Better Than Titanfall 2" is going to attract a lot more people, because it is precise and to the point and people are very passionate on both sides, so it is going to attract a lot more people.

    Yeah, lag and matchmaking have been problems for 2 games now. These really need to be addressed properly and you are right they did not mention those.

    HALLELUJAH BROTHER!!! Could not have said it better myself.
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  5. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    I like the campaign mode but I'm not sure how many people actually play it. A lot of people probably go straight to the multiplayer. This is a situation where damned if you do damned if you don't kind a thing. If respawn includes the campaign than the multiplayer may lack things , if they don't put the campaign in then I'm sure they will get criticized for that. Not sure what the expectations are going to be for Tf3 from a budget and revenue situation. Tf2 EA expected it to sell 10 million copies. I guess it sold half that . So how does this change the budget and outlook on a Tf3 project ? I'm sure a lot of tough decisions will have to be made
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  6. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I agree, but I believe it is better to be damned if you don't include a Single Player campaign, because the end result is much better.

    TF1 - excellent extremely rich Multiplayer experience (where you spend 1000s of hours) - sold about 11 million copies
    TF2 - excellent 10-hour Single Player, but very shallow Multiplayer (where spend 1000s of hours) - sold maybe 5 million copies

    I don't think it makes sense to pour ANY resources into a 10 hour experience when it takes away from the place where you will spend 1000s of hours. It would be like having a $100,000 budget and spending $80,000 of it on a 1-week timeshare leaving only $20,000 to spend on the house you are going to live in the other 51 weeks of the year. It just makes ZERO sense. It is not functionally or economically practical. I hope they realize this and scrap having a Single Player in TF3, because it is better to be damned if you don't. They've proven they can do a great one if they want to, so they have nothing left to prove, so let's get back to making a rock solid Multiplayer experience.

    Vince Zampella (CEO of Respawn) actually even makes this point himself in this video from 3/4/14 (about 11 days before TF1 launched) at around the 5:25 mark. When asked the question, "Why did you step away from making a single player campaign to focus on this campaign/multiplayer concept?", he says, and I quote, "Uh, it's about, looking at where people spend most of their time. You know, generaly people will burn through a single campaign, single player campaign as fast as they can. You know, you spend 5, 6 hours and you know 80% of the work goes into that. And then you go spend 100 hours in this thing that gets, you know it's bare bones, it's the minimum you can get away with. You know, for us, it was about pushing the boundaries of what multiplayer is, so we said, let's take all that great single player stuff, build up the world. That world that you're going to spend 100 hours in SHOULD BE THE MOST FULL FEATURED."

    He went against his own logical argument in TF2. I hope now that they have proven they can make a good Single Player and have nothing left to prove that he goes back and listens to himself and as you said, "give us a fully robust multiplayer that kicks the living dog crap out of all the other games out there"