Titanfall Does the MVP calculation need to be rethought?

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by SoundestParrott2, Jul 28, 2014.

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  1. SoundestParrott2

    SoundestParrott2 Generation 1

    Jul 28, 2014
    Currently the Attrition MVP is based on total kills rather than net kills, or, in other words, how much a player actually helps the team's success.

    Consider the following two players (the formatting will be messed up, sorry):
    Attr Pilot Titan Minion Deaths
    Points Kills Kills Kills
    P1: 90 10 4 30 10
    P2: 76 9 3 25 2

    In this case Pilot 1 (P1) earned the highest number of points on the team, but this method does not consider how many points the Pilot COST the team, in this case 40. If we rework the MVP calculations by considering the points against the team the outcome is quite different:

    Attr Points
    Points - Against* = Net
    P1 90 - 40 = 50
    P2 76 - 8 = 68
    * Points against = Attrition points - (# deaths * 4)

    So, in this case (which is not rare) even though Pilot 1 earned the most points, the number of deaths increased the opposing team's score by 40; pilot2 only by 8 (this is most significant when this is the losing team).

    I realize it's too late to change this, but was wondering if others have thought the same thing.

    (AKA SoundestParrot2)
  2. Grim

    Grim Max Rank Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 2, 2014
    I personally think it's fine as is. While it is a good point that yes the person cost a good amount of points, that doesn't change the fact that they did the most "work" on their team and earned the most points. Just my two cents though. :)