Titanfall Generations requirements & challenges

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by WhoIsDo, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. dsR07mm

    dsR07mm Generation 2

    Jul 14, 2014
    It happened that I didnt even download game since we got 48 hours on our origin accounts. I'm playing couple hours already in both MP mods and Campaign I can find players in less then 5 seconds. So far great. If I get addicted even more I'm buying this.
  2. Big Titan

    Big Titan Generation 2

    Feb 15, 2014
    Im a G8 level 50. finished all the challenges except two

    1- Killing while calling a Titan (pain in the @$$)
    2- Winning 100 rounds. Almost there
  3. A green sofa

    A green sofa Generation 2

    Jun 26, 2014

    Nice! Dropping the titan is the worst! I am creating a dummy Xbox live account to start over. Covert Gen 10. Can't wait
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Big Titan

    Big Titan Generation 2

    Feb 15, 2014
    Thanks! If you play on the european servers add me

    GT in my profile
  5. A green sofa

    A green sofa Generation 2

    Jun 26, 2014
    Haha I wish I did! I'm east US. EU sounds like it'd be a nice change of pace. Are players pretty good over there?
  6. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Have been stuck Gen 9 Lvl 50 for a while now, and so

    Any advice on how to complete MVP Regen Challenge gratefully received

    Had more success now I have started to use the Smart Pistol and Minion Hunter, Ogre with Chaingun, Electric Smoke & Cluster Missiles.

    Any old sweats want to share some sage advice? Fellow Gen 9ers going through this now? Or literally anyone else want to share some wisdom?
  7. ThisLazyBear

    ThisLazyBear Generation 2

    Jul 22, 2014
    This strategy (plus Arc Grenades) has worked for me when going for straight points in Attrition. Try to jump in on off-peak times for your area and you should be good to go for a few MVP awards.
  8. Rumthief

    Rumthief Generation 1

    Jul 22, 2014
    I just hit gen10 two days ago so I just got through with the last batch of challenges. You're definitely on the right track - the skillpistol is a ridiculous monster at minion farming and was the pilot loadout I ran with most of gen9. If you really want to grind the minions for points, and get random pilot kills while you're at it, also configure a titan loadout with the triple threat and use it on the small, close-quartered maps. The arc cannon is just as destructive toward minions, but with the triple threat you get to be way, way lazier. Keep the magazine empty; fire into windows, doorways, hallways, ledges, etc. If you get proficient with it you'll get 2-4 'accidental' pilot kills and roughly 40-60 minion kills a match by carpet bombing everything.

    Apart from that, yeah, just depends on the lobby you're in really. I won't condone rage quitting if you're getting stomped out of those MVP's, but after a game is done check how close you were to the top on your own team. Remember, you don't have to get game MVP; being the MVP of your team counts also. So stick it out if you're the best performer on your team, otherwise considering finding another lobby in-between games where you stack up a little better.
  9. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    rage quit!?

    Erm I'm British.

    I might let the lower lip quiver, but one never lets anything get to one. We are made of sterner stuff.
    • Like Like x 2
  10. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    Best advice I can give to get the MVP challenge is to be active. Don't get stuck on one part of the map, anticipate their spawn based on your teams location, same as a lot of FPS games. I look at the mini-map and where my teammates are clustered, if you look in the opposite direction.. you'll usually be finding the enemy.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Best mindset to beat MVP challenge is

    if you ain't killing you ain't winning

    Gen 10 earlier today.

    Do I like get a beret in the post or something?
  12. Itsnine1six

    Itsnine1six Generation 2

    Jul 17, 2014
    Gen 5 and this Arc cannon blows major donkey dong.
  13. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    Gen 7, I have decided to enjoy the game again, I have spent the last 3 gens just grinding to get the level up...gonna have more fun this time.
  14. fnshr

    fnshr Generation 2

    Jul 29, 2014
    My current situation lol such a flipping pain!
  15. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    Look out below;

    I'm sure your doing some if not all of this already. But...

    1. Use Warfall Transmitter to speed up the drop
    2. When you get the Titan Ready signal look for a group of spawning minions before calling it in. (Each minion you kill counts toward your total, so if you get all three it can quickly progress).

    It's always sweet dropping it on another titan. Two ways to do this. First is less risky but less successful.

    3. When you see an enemy titan drop wait while it's in it's bubble. As you see the pilot enter call yours in. Doesn't always work as the targeting is not precise.
    4. Rodeo a titan. When they stop moving to allow the pilot to disembark to deal with you, aim directly down and call it in on your position. This always works.

    5. Whilst sheltering from an angry titan in cover drop it on the git. Again targeting can be a problem here but it's great when it happens. Like scoring a goal!

    All I do is win;

    I found that using the CAR SMG + Minion Hunter really helped here. That and an Orge + Chaingun.

    With the new match making system this is going to be less easy, because the game is actively trying to manage your win: loss to 1:1.

    But what will always help is getting MVP or at least trying to, because you need to do as much for your team as possible to win. Every attrition point you get (for example) adds to the tally toward 300 points.

    Going for MVP is a Gen 9 challenge, and like everything else it can be achieved using tactics and strategy. I fell upon this strategy after getting frustrated at my progress. I had gotten cocky and far too sniffy to even bother with minions- I'd just run past them. Big mistake. Every time your playing now your Gen 8 and then Gen 9 you should be repeating this mnemonic over and over in your head;

    If I ain't killing I ain't Winning!

    Actively look for minion spawn points and kill them all. ALL OF THEM ALL THE TIME. You should be firing your weapon pretty much all the time and therefore killing and accruing points all the time. Don't worry about pilots, because as you target minions you will invariably be doing so in the enemies spawn points anyway. These you'll get. When you get your titan again actively go for minions. Fight titans if you can't run, but make sure you go for executions as they are worth 9 attrition points over just 5 for killing the titan. Why? All that time you spent faffing around dick measuring with that other titan you could have squished at least 9 minions and maybe a couple of pilots. If it's a two against one situation in your favour sure go for it. Either of you will get the points which count toward the team total. Otherwise avoid Titan battles as they slow down your progress.

    Remember If I ain't killing I ain't Winning
  16. fnshr

    fnshr Generation 2

    Jul 29, 2014
    Ohhhh thank you dear sir lol if I knew this worked then I'd have been done by now. But to be honest it's taken me long to completely because for some reason even though i need this specific challenge to Gen up, it's the only one i disregard and just play as per usual (guess cause it's so long) but I'll definitely try this out!
  17. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I've said this before but...

    All I do it win is easy if you pick the right audience. I only play early on weekends. That is when all the kids without thumbs play...play then.
  18. fnshr

    fnshr Generation 2

    Jul 29, 2014
    looool "kids without thumbs" and like, it's not hard, it's just long and this is like the only challenge I have to actually think about properly. Where as everything else was just easier. I'm a sniper by no means never have been, never will be. But even the sniping challenges with the DMR (I think) was piss easy. I was still always top/top3 but now I have to think about dropping my titan on people lol which is such a myth >_<

    ... BUT I will (obviously) get it done sooner or later lol
  19. Peter Oglos

    Peter Oglos Generation 3

    May 10, 2014
    I am really peed off with the EVA-8 shotgun one because it really sucks (long range)
  20. SgtPain

    SgtPain Generation 4

    Apr 28, 2014
    I hate the EV8 shotgun too.

    I hate the sound it makes- it scares the bejeesus out of me blam- blamming away. You know that it's coming for you. So I take the bull by the horns and go hunting for it's operator.