Video "FLAWLESS 3 STARS" Frontier Defense Commentary

Discussion in 'Titanfall Creations' started by Mistergeorge, Oct 26, 2014.

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  1. Mistergeorge

    Mistergeorge Generation 5

    Apr 20, 2014
    A 3 Star Flawless Frontier Defense Commentary talking about Frontier Defense, my opinion on it and more stuff.

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  2. CommanderDoggo

    CommanderDoggo Generation 2

    Oct 25, 2014
    I watched your video :3 Nice commentary and explanations. As a note, maybe be a bit more relaxed, eventhough you sounded very happy and excited.

    I think we could somewhere post tactics for this defense game mode, like the best places to put your turrets.
    Actually it's pretty straight forward to use Crowd Control ordnance and tactical abilities, and a primary that's good at killing titans and has a bit of a Crowd killing propertie. Oh and a nuke, but without the eject, since bots can't K.O.

    On that map fracture I had a good spot, in that broken house next to the harvester, you can place a turret just before the tree. It had about 30-45 kills. Only putting it there is a bit tedious since there's a tree in front of it.

    Still when your are with randoms, nobody talks a lot, so you just have to guess what happens or stick to the harvester, or the outskirts to take on the mortar titans.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Mistergeorge

    Mistergeorge Generation 5

    Apr 20, 2014
    Thanks a lot for the feedback. :] I will try to be more relaxed in the future but I always try to be myself which is excited all the time. :p
    I think that the best pilot gun to use is the Spitfire LMG (A lot of bullets to kill multiple enemies and best to rodeo attack titans) and the 40mm Cannon as a titan gun because it is accurate and one of the best for Titan fights in all ranges.
    I will soon post videos talking about my best loadout on FD, best tactics e.t.c. and I would really like to hear your favorite loadout on FD.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. CommanderDoggo

    CommanderDoggo Generation 2

    Oct 25, 2014
    [​IMG] I found this on reddit r/titanfall by Rohaq.

    I usually go for an atlas with XO-chaingun, Clusters and Smoke with Nuke and Big punch. Eventhough I'm still experimenting with the Arc Cannon and Fast Autoloader. I'm also trying to optimize the Triple Threat.
    I've used the 40mm a lot, but it takes 2 hits to kill specters of you aiming between them.

    I've tried to use the Spitfire, but it's kinda difficult to stay alive since everything tends to aim for you when you fire. The smart pistole with extended magazine works like a charm, since you're using it against bots.

    As for tactical skills I use Stim with Power Cell.
    And lately guardian chip but my Titan kinda ignores suicide spectres -.-'. So back to the drawing board with that.

    As for anti titan weapons, I prefer the archer rocket due to the lock on and heavey direct damage, and you can use it form the dropship. The burn card version is better for close range since it's very slow and tends to hit the scenery.

    Uh yeah I tend to die a lot since all bots and titans tend to aim for me when I throw satchels everywhere and rush from A to B to keep titans away and kill infantry.