"Out of Range" on launch.....

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by Sidewynda, Feb 28, 2015.

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  1. Sidewynda

    Sidewynda Generation 1

    Feb 28, 2015
    I just got the game today, downloaded, no disk. The download went OK, as did the install. I hit launch and it launched.... but my monitor went blue, I got the "Out of Range" message in middle of the monitor and that's it. I can hear the game fine, I just have no picture.
    Have any of you experienced this? Do any of you know of a fix?
    I have tried the repair game function on Origin - that came back as OK and ready to play.
    I have searched google and youtube and came up blank.
    I'm running an i5-4670k with an R9 270X, and have all the drivers up to date etc.
  2. Krypfiend

    Krypfiend Generation 3

    Jan 14, 2015
    I'd suggest deleting everything and reinstall, make sure nothings running in backround..sometimes even Anti-virus can hurt ya but rare in my experience...never heard of that error tho..DL coulda got corrupted if you were doin other things...alsong as u own it u can redownload it... if that dont work contact ea or who u bought it from...
    Odd tho...GL