Windows 10 and online PC(andXbone) gaming redflag....or mystery flag

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by rogerwilco71, Aug 24, 2015.

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  1. rogerwilco71

    rogerwilco71 Generation 4

    Feb 12, 2015
    Windows 10 appears to be sharing your upload bandwidth by "default" which may affect your online Gaming:confused:...I know some of you use Xbones, but if you have a PC in the house on windows 10 it will still take your bandwidth. "WUDO" (windows update delivery optimization) Is kinda of mysterious like the Scooby doo mystery machine parked across the street. Any ways, "DoSvc" (WUDO) creates a "listener" port and a "receiver" port.....and can use your previous updates to upload to other PC's on the internet. Upload is essential to your Titanfall and other online games (World of Warships which i'm currently CO-addicted to) obviously, since it is what sends YOU into the gameplay and can cause lag.

    From Windows 10:

    Right click home button-->settings-->update and security-->windows update...then click advanced options-->Choose how updates are delivered-->"updates from more than one place"(kind of a "updates swingers club" per se)--> slide left to "off" if you don't want this......which I don't since they didn't ask in the installation.

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  2. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Great find and very interesting...

    Funnily enough, I've just got into warships in a big way! Rocking an Omaha and Wakasaki (depending on what's not been blown up)
  3. rogerwilco71

    rogerwilco71 Generation 4

    Feb 12, 2015
    South Carolina Battleship working on Wyoming (So frickin close I can taste it!)....I'm learning, since it's slow, to use the islands as cover during reload...timing is EVERYTHING.................Sunday I downloaded WOW and started playing at noon, next thing I know, it's dark outside. Tempted to buy coins etc, but the game is still loads of fun
  4. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    635761306866096220.jpg I know what you mean about the coins. I've loads of xp on lower tiered ships as I was playing with a mate who just started. All that xp just waiting to be transferred! :D

    I'm a definite cruiser whore. Love the amount of guns that the Omaha gets, plus torpedoes and AA. I even get a fighter to fend off pesky dive bombers and torp bombers. Two of us even managed to take down a New York last night! Brilliant game
  5. Ambiroa

    Ambiroa Generation 2

    Aug 25, 2015
    I'm actually downloading warships right now :p