What's Good, Pilots!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Daniel Kelson Lacy, Aug 28, 2015.

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  1. Daniel Kelson Lacy

    Daniel Kelson Lacy Generation 1

    Aug 28, 2015
    I'm Daniel Lacy, an otaku cosplay-gamer, and college student from Indianapolis, Indiana. And I'm very new to the Titanfall Community. I've played Titanfall on Xbox 360 since August 1st, 2015; and now I'm a 2nd Generation Pilot since August 14.

    As a college student of Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana, I'm studying graphic design and photography.

    After all, to be honest, I really enjoy this fast paced online first person shooter game hands down. Like to party up, you know where to find me. Here I'll leave a few links for you guys. Enjoy the rest of the day, pilots!

    Facebook: facebook.com/electricblue91

    Twitter/Instagram: @electricblue91

    Snapchat: electricbluexo9

    Xbox Live Gamertag: WaysideClient04
  2. Mistergeorge

    Mistergeorge Generation 5

    Apr 20, 2014
    Hey! Happy to see new members in the Titanfall community! I hope you enjoy your stay pilot! :D
  3. Daniel Kelson Lacy

    Daniel Kelson Lacy Generation 1

    Aug 28, 2015
    As much as I enjoy Titanfall