Titanfall Search and Destroy Style for TF2.

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by A83, Feb 1, 2016.

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  1. A83

    A83 Generation 1

    Feb 1, 2016
    Hi im new here so please have some patience :) i have an idea for Titan Fall 2's new game mode. Is practically search and destroy but instead of just killing everybody or planting a bomb on a building maybe we could have a titan in the enemies spawn and the attacking team would have to plant a bomb on a Titan maybe there can be two Titans on different spots of the enemy map? and the attackers get to choose which one to blow up as for the enemy they would have to guard both if they can. This would be one of the most played game modes even if a small amount of negatives would disagree.
  2. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    Welcome to the forum. What a great concept. I can see something like that happening if there is a campaign mode. But it would be cool in multiplayer as well.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. A83

    A83 Generation 1

    Feb 1, 2016
    Thanks :)
  4. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Definitely an idea worth considering. It's like Marked for Death Pro in a way... high suspense!