Titanfall Singleplayer update suggestions.

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by RaucousCoder739, Oct 12, 2017.

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  1. RaucousCoder739

    RaucousCoder739 Generation 3

    Oct 12, 2017
    I was going through the Titanfall 2 Singleplayer Campaign and got my own ideas for a new update to it.

    In Hard and Master difficulties, minor enemy Titans will enter Doom-State when their health is reduced to 0.
    Executing a minor enemy Titan will trigger an animation where BT performs either the normal or the Prime execution of the Titan he's using the loadout of.
    Expedition: BT will perform an execution from one of the original three Titans (Atlas, Ogre, or Stryder).
    Tone: BT will perform either Gooser or Target Acquired.
    Scorch: BT will perform either Incineration or Unleashed Fury.
    Brute: BT will perform an execution from one of the original three Titans (Atlas, Ogre, or Stryder).
    Ion: BT will perform either Disarm or Death Stare.
    Ronin: BT will perform either Cutting Steel or Thunder and Lightning.
    Northstar: BT will perform either Sweep the Leg or Bird of Prey.
    Legion: BT will perform either Predator and Prey or Overpower.

    A new option becomes available after collecting all Pilot helmets in a Master run. All loadouts unlocked. Enabling this option will allow you access to all loadouts from the beginning.

    I thought I'd put this somewhere.
  2. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I'm sure that some will appreciate your suggestions.

    I just wanted to ask a general question to anyone who reads this thread and please don't misunderstand me, I am not trying to be critical of your suggestions or trying to discourage any Single Player suggestion, I'm sincerely curious about this.

    How many play the the Single Player more than once? Of those, how many would ever play it more than twice?
  3. RaucousCoder739

    RaucousCoder739 Generation 3

    Oct 12, 2017
    I'm sure some people play the Singleplayer more than once or twice, just for wanting to experience the unique action again.
  4. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Yeah, I have played it probably twice myself plus I've gone back and played the one specific mission, "Trial ByFire" multiple times. As much as I think the TF2 Multiplayer was a downgrade in every way to TF1, I've always said that the Single Player was outstanding perfection. I'm just genuinely curious to see how many times most play it.

    Even though, as I've said above, I would never want to be critical of or discourage Single Player suggestions, because if there is going to be a Single Player at all, then by all means if we can make it better great, I personally would prefer no time be spent at all on a Single Player campaign in any future versions of Titanfall and instead focus on making a rich, deep Multiplayer experience as in TF1. Here is why I would prefer that. I would guess that most people might only play it all the way through twice and since it takes 8 to 10 hours each time, they would get a maximum of 20 hours of entertainment value out of that, whereas most people will get 100s to 1000s of hours of entertainment value from the Multiplayer. However, if a Single Player campaign is included, even though it will only provide most likely much less than 10% of the entertainment hours to each player, it sucks up 80% of the resources spent in making the game, which means the area that will provide more than 90% of the entertainment hours has to suffer and that is just foolish and rediculous to do that. Here is a complete thread I made about this where I share Respawn's CEO actually making this case himself: