
Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by McBrana, Apr 30, 2014.

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  1. McBrana

    McBrana Generation 3

    Apr 30, 2014
    #1 McBrana, Apr 30, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014
    Lately i met a few cheaters, two of them also admitting that they cheat. (23 kills 0 death, Gen 0 lvl 8??cmon).I am Gen 6 and i think i can recognise an aimboter when i see one.
    I wonder if respawn is doing something about those @#^bags, because till now i saw no proof of that beside the blabla with the "cheaters hell" posted everywhere on the net.
    (excuse my english)
  2. Kllr6

    Kllr6 Generation 2

    Apr 21, 2014
    I have never personally seen anything quite like that. I have seen some questionable abilities, but they could have just as easily been errors or even, old fashion luck.
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  3. Chaz

    Chaz Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 15, 2014
    I myself haven't seen cheaters in my matches yet either, but I know they're out there. Sadly, Origin (for whatever reason I don't understand) doesn't support screenshotting. So as far as I know, the only way to provide proof is if you're recording your matches and send it to Respawn/Origin for them to take action upon it.
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  4. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
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  5. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    Good article. I had no idea that cheating was big business.

    I have never been able to understand the mindset of cheaters. I have never been very good at any game, at least not a top player, but so what? I play because it's fun, not to have a high kill rate. I would of course like to have a high kill rate, but only if it was because I had earned it - not because I had done nothing other that payed a cheat hacker for it. I mean - what is the point in that? I just don't get it.
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  6. BloodShot9001

    BloodShot9001 Generation 3

    Mar 13, 2014
    I agree that you should play for the fun of a game. I honestly think "cheat modes" for games are fun, when you unlock them and they're purely for fun, like unlimited ammo and paintball mode back in the good ol' days of Goldeneye. Those are the cheats I condone for games, and the last games I remember to include fun stuff like that was Uncharted and Call of Duty 4. Even if there was a cool playlist for people to have unlimited ammo, infinite Titan stuff... if everyone had these cheats active, it'd be hella fun and chaotic, meant for "just fun."

    Cheating as in hacking and such, or exploiting ridiculous game breaking glitches, are the kinds of things I cannot condone because they don't prove any skill. Hell, when others overcome those hackers or cheaters, it's a bigger achievement for THOSE people than the hackers, but only when it's possible to beat them. Why people hack is really up to them, and I doubt it's a huge mystery... I just hate that it's even a thing... but such is the way of the world.
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  7. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    It has always amazed me that people actually pay money for these cheats. I also do not think they use them to "win", or become the top player. I honestly believe that they use them to "compensate" (however you want to read that!) for their inadequate abilities. They also believe they used to have these skills , but cannot accept the fact their skills have faded.

    And all the work that goes into making these hacks work..................:mad:
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  8. McBrana

    McBrana Generation 3

    Apr 30, 2014
    Like i said, there are not many cheaters in Titanfall, still they are there.Have you evere tried to play CoD Ghosts? :))).
    What a waste of money, with no anticheat system at all.I played around 10 hours then i gave up...completely unplayable with all the cheaters ingame.
    The only reason i made this post was to know if actualy respawn is doing something about them, because this game is so much fun and i really don't want to quit playing because of that.
    (again excuse my english)
  9. daennika

    daennika Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    It takes a lot of perseverance and patience to enjoy a game and become comfortably skilled at it, like it takes a lot of zen to tolerate those who lack the skill, patience and perseverance in order to avoid using cheats.

    Sentence of the day self five!
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  10. iMonocyte

    iMonocyte Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    Its a shame that someone needs to cheat to feel superior for a brief moment. I feel bad anytime I encounter them, although I have yet to do so in this game. Its just pathetic and sad.
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  11. marthiFiC!

    marthiFiC! Generation 4

    Mar 28, 2014
    I have yet to see any cheaters, but I haven't played for since the last patch. From my experience in games that are known to be pretty hacked, MW3, CS:S/GO, there is a great many less cheaters than most people think, I have had entire teams come to the consensus that I am a cheater, and leave the game multiple times. And within those games the amount of times that there was actually a cheater was pretty low(hacked lobbies were another story). And yes, many a time have I told people I was hacking just to get them to shut up, so that isn't necessarily proof. Not saying there isn't any, because there probably is. low level is a good giveaway. Hopefully, the issue gets resolved quickly. :)
  12. boise

    boise Generation 4

    May 1, 2014
    It seems to me that a lot of the kids playing here are just sore loosers and refuse to accept that someone could be better than themselves. They keep accusing eachother (in the chat lobby) of cheating all the time, but they can never provide any kind of evidence or even tell exactly what the cheat was about. It's usually more like "No way that you could have more kills than me - you're a cheater!" So I don't think that there really was any cheating involved - at least not most of the time.

    I am G2 level 20-something (and no, I'm no good at all, I actually suck at Titanfall, it's just that I enjoy it and play it a lot) and I have never seen anything suspicious in-game. Though I'm not sure that I would even notice - most players are better than me so I basically get killed as soon as someone sees me, no cheating necessary :)

    I have a GeForce GTX 760 (if I remember correctly) so I use nVidia's ShadowPlay function, which continually records the output from the graphics card to a circular buffer. The way I have it set up, I can press Alt+F10 at any time and get an mp4 file with the previous 20 minutes of gameplay in HD+ quality. So I would actually love to see someone cheating and catch it on video :)
  13. Soran_F

    Soran_F Generation 2

    May 5, 2014
    Not sure if I've seen any cheaters. Only videos I have seen are of bad hit registration. And I don't think gens and levels have anything to do with skill.