Grapple Is Life - Return of the King

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Papercut2u, May 25, 2017.

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  1. Papercut2u

    Papercut2u Generation 4

    May 3, 2014
    After taking the time to try out all the abilities it feels good to be back to grappling. Enjoy the video.
    • Like Like x 3
  2. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Very nice video and lots of good tips.

    I am nowhere near your skill level and can't move fast like you and had always been a fan of Stim, but I recently started using the Grapple and I feel like I was really missing out. You don't really lose much in terms of speed over Stim, but it gives you so many other benefits as well. For example, in the middle building on Angel City (where hardpoint B is), even if just standing on the ground on the street outside, you can aim it into one of the windows on the 2nd or 3rd floor and it pulls you right in. Another thing it is great for is making sure you get onto an enemy titan to rodeo it. I know these are minor things compared to how you use it, but I am just pointing out that even for those of us who can't move well it provides so many good befnefits.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    The grapple is great for offensive movement as well. For instance if I'm on top of a building and I see an enemy below me run into an opposite building I quickly shoot the hook into the doorway and it pulls me in so fast and I'm right behind the enemy for an easy kill. It's also great for defensive purposes as well. To get away from gun fire fast.

    I really only play with the grapple because it adds more to the game in my opinion. I would like to try the other options but I just feel like I would lose to much without the grapple.
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  4. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    You're right. It is offensive as well. And, I agree, in my opinion it is the most useful tactical ability (provides so many varied benefits to almost every aspect of the game - movement, offense, defense, rodeoing, getting into your titan fast from weird angles, the slingshot, the use of dropships, etc.)..