How do I play without going 0-10 all the time?

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Tcbys, Mar 11, 2014.

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  1. Tcbys

    Tcbys Generation 2

    Feb 24, 2014
    Cant seem to kill anyone in the 5 matches I played. Dont know what Im doing wrong. Any tips would be great.
  2. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    Vertical use of the surroundings is your best bet + shotgun/smg goes down nicely in close quarters.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. RayFromJersey

    RayFromJersey Generation 4

    Feb 27, 2014
    I've been getting raped by that autolocking pistol. Can't seem to figure out how to beat someone with it.
  4. Pilot_KC

    Pilot_KC 6th Gen Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 22, 2014
    My biggest tip is don't stay on the ground too long, don't stay out in the open too long and use your vertical systems to set ambushes. You will notice that your wall running, jetpacking and double jumps will get you places quicker and safer.

    As for the auto pistol, try to sprint as much as possible to break line of sight so they cant get the lock on.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    They key to beat the auto-pistol is to try and break line of sight it needs three locked on shots to take you down, if you break the line of sight it has to re-lock on to you by this time you should have got some hits in with your preferred weapon, also using grenades helps because the auto lock pistol locks onto the grenade so if the enemy gets too trigger happy too soon they end up blowing themselves up.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Never stay still..................use vertical jumps....................stay hidden with cover as much as possible..................

    but then again I too am just a "bullet magnet"..........:eek:
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  7. HostileParadox

    HostileParadox Generation 2

    Feb 21, 2014
    Basically what has been said:

    Never run out in the open unless you are using cloak, even then, minimize time in the open.
    Cloak is meant to fool Titans, it is more obvious to pilots on the ground.
    When not in a Titan either stick to roof tops or inside buildings.
    Aim down sights for increased accuracy at range.
    If the enemy is really far away, pulse the carbine for more accuracy.
    If you do not have a silencer, move after every shot, you show up on the minimap after shooting.

    The auto lock pistol is annoying indoors.
    They come around a corner, see you, and start jumping around like a crazy person with the jet pack waiting for the triple lock to kill you. I was usually able to win with the carbine if I got my first shot off fast enough. Otherwise, dead.
  8. Ultramarine

    Ultramarine Generation 2

    Mar 10, 2014
    The pistol requires a clear line of sight for quite a while before it can kill you. My tip there would be always keep moving, run and run. Stick where there are blue markers on the map, that way there are other targets that they may fire at and reveal themselves for you to take down while they're distracted.
    Because of your mobility, it's easy to get places people may not expect, and the same goes for your enemies, so always look up and keep an eye out for tricky places you may not expect. This game is pretty different and does take a while to get used to. :) Hang in there.
  9. GammonMaster

    GammonMaster O.G. Original Gamer Before Platform Shoes, Baby!
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
    Play hardpoint and just run from A to C to cap and B when you can. This will racks some nice points and keep you out of the line of fire a bit. You will normally see them before they see you...
  10. RayFromJersey

    RayFromJersey Generation 4

    Feb 27, 2014
    Thanks for the tips all. I took them into consideration while playing on my lunch break. Did much better!

    I also saw the new guide posted on IGN. Covers a lot of what was said in this thread.

    Of all the tips offered, I found staying high and on the outskirts of the map to be most helpful.
  11. Tcbys

    Tcbys Generation 2

    Feb 24, 2014
    Thx for the replys. Ill try and apply them once I figure out my FPS problems. Check the PC version section for my thread. Im not running consistent 60 FPS. Maybe thats where my problems lay mostly. My FPS drops to low as 30 if I look anywhere but up.
  12. loome

    loome Generation 1

    Mar 12, 2014
    This seems to work for me
    -kill minions to get your titian out faster. (Much easier to kill pilots in a titan)
    -Titan load out: smoke, cluster rockets and mini gun with the stryder (this load out is not for titan vs titan)
    -Don't fight other titan. Takes to long.You score more points killing pilots and minion and with stryder you can disengage easily from titan battles
    -Use wall run as much as possible, gives you speed boost
  13. ApexPredator

    ApexPredator Generation 2

    Mar 13, 2014
    What platform are you playing on? If XBONE then I got no suggestions for you. If PC then get a better PC cuz framerate is very important in this game.
  14. Knighty

    Knighty Generation 2

    Mar 9, 2014
    Choose your targets carefully, don't play the game like CoD and you should improve.
  15. P0pSh0t21

    P0pSh0t21 P0p them all!
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 10, 2014
    Basically stay off ground as much as possible, always stay as mobile as possible, stay on rooftops and in buildings as a pilot as much as possible. Also something I've noticed is that a lot of pilots including myself will go for the easy kills specters, grunts etc so when you see your in bots try to stay somewhere around them and pick off the pilots as they kill the bots. Seems to always happen to me lol.
  16. Letsgo

    Letsgo Generation 2

    Mar 13, 2014
    Play "Classic" and test out modes other than Attrition (Team Deathmatch)
    There is always some sort of crazy imbalance in the teams. Its come up in the majority of reviews and insight videos I've been watching lately. This guy touches on this subject in this video I literally just watched it before seeing your thread.
  17. aynrandsucks

    aynrandsucks Generation 2

    Mar 14, 2014
    Find a gun your comfortable with; for me the carbine has the least recoil and is very accurate/strong. Stay up high, use minion detector to keep your bearings as far as where your team is vs the other team.
  18. Bumsonfire

    Bumsonfire Generation 3

    Feb 12, 2014
    Your basically saying the same thing as 'why do i do bad in cod or battlefield'. Really, there isn't a proper answer. Everyone's tactic to stay alive is different. Realistically, the best thing to do is avoid staying in the open because you will get picked off by a sniper or you will get brutally raped by a titan. Just stay behind cover, or on rooftops most of the time, and if you have too, quickly run in the open if you have to get somewhere. Once you got the hang of the game, then change your tactic to a more advanced one. Maybe even go stealthy with the cloak, that's always a good option.
  19. SecurityRake

    SecurityRake Generation 2

    Feb 21, 2014
    Play Hardpoint and Last Titan Standing if you haven't messed around with them. Last Titan Standing will quickly make you much more capable at titan warfare, which, even if you suck on foot, can get you a long way. Hardpoint gives other objectives for people to be going for, which means they'll be more distracted and you can kill them, or alternatively you can be useful without necessarily going for kills. Also satchel charges are fantastic in Hardpoint. Free kills.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. CommaComma11

    CommaComma11 Generation 2

    Mar 13, 2014
    The only way IMHO to improve, is to play (and die) more. This should give you a better understanding of maps, game modes, your own style, and what works best for you overall.
    Try all of the guns, titans, equipment, and their combinations to find the one that's suitable for you. If nothing else, you can understand the weaknesses of each and use that knowledge to escape and/or kill the enemy.
    Dying is not shameful; It is a learning experience.