Titanfall Idea: Add AI to Amped Hardpoint

Discussion in 'Feedback, Issues & Suggestions' started by Derrame, Jun 27, 2017.

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  1. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    hi there Respawn

    in TF1 campaign, in mode hardpoint domination, when we capture a point, some soldiers or spectres come with us
    some sit and type on keyboards, and in other mission, the spectres of the map are captured too

    that was awesome, we see an actual, real time result of the captured hardpoint, we see some consequences, some rewards
    capturing the points activates more defenses, like soldiers or spectres, maybe some reapers can be added too,
    that will increase immersion greatly in that mode, now it's just the pilots and the points, the score,
    it's good, but can be a lot better,

    thanks for reading
    • Like Like x 1
  2. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    #2 ensc, Jun 27, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    Yeah, Derrame, this is one Trini Chinese and I have gone back and forth on many times. He is in your camp and I think he finally won me over. When it comes to objective modes like Hardpoint, I've always felt there should be no minions, or at least they should not be allowed to have an impact on the game. Here are the main reasons I wanted them gone and was very happy they did it in TF2:
    1) If I am defending and have a good hiding spot, they force me to give away my position and put myself on the minimap. That could have a direct impact on the game and I don't like that.
    2) With hardpoint, a lot of it has to do with timing (who is holding 2 of the hardpoints for the longest) and part of what affects that timing is your flow. You usually have a pattern or route you like to take to get from one hardpoint to the next. If a minion is in a doorway or window that you normally go through, it holds you up and throws off our whole flow and can have a direct impact on the game.
    3) Similarly, if you are running one of your routes and you know someone is chasing you, but you know you can outrun them on your known route, but then a minion is in a doorway or window that you normally go through and it leaves your butt hanging out there for 1extra second and gives the player a chance to kill you, that has a direct and potentially HUGE impact on the game.
    4) Let's say you are taking or defending a hardpoint and you get into an epic battle against 2 enemy pilots and you end up barely winning. All you need is a few seconds to lick your wounds and a minion either kicks you or shoots you with 1 bullet and your dead. That absolutely has a direct and HUGELY UNNECESSARY impact on the game. I mean think about it. You struggled all the way across the map to get to that hardpoint, you won a tough battle against 2 enemy pilots, and now your reward is that you die at a minion's hands and don't get the hardpoint. TOTAL BS!!!

    Having said all that, Trini has won me over to where I would like to see them back. However, I do think it would be an improvement if they made it so that you could move through minions (enemy or friendly) as if they were ghosts if they are currently in or near a doorway or window. Also, they should make it so that minions do not have the ability to kill you. If you are close to death, their bullets should do no damage to you. They should just not be able to have HUGE impacts on the game like that. I mean, "Cmon! They are stinking minions." Other than that, I would like to see them there though.
  3. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    new idea: add Wildlife!

    i'm playing the campaign agan and i see those dog alien creatures and those flyting creatures and they are very fast, agile, dangerous,

    just imagine amped hardpoint on an abandoned base, computers or antennas rusty, covered by foliage, and then those wild animals appear, wehn the point is captured, they retreat, just like in tf1 campaign, hic sunt dracones,
    the antenna scares the animals away, and then when the poitn is amplified, some stalkers activate and help defend the point

    flying creatures attac too

    that would be really fun and involving, immersive
    • Like Like x 1
  4. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Sounds like a good idea Derrame. You and Trini Chinese have very good ideas about the environment.