Micro Stutter, Rubber Banding, Lag and Hit Detection Failures!

Discussion in 'Titanfall 360 & Xbox One' started by VonAdder, Mar 16, 2014.

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  1. VonAdder

    VonAdder Generation 1

    Mar 16, 2014
    The power of the cloud! Well indeed!

    I have now recorded over ten hours of Titanfall footage showing in detail, failed hit detection, on a par with Battlefield 4, lag and chronic microstutter on the Xbox One (the video is being edited for size).

    While none of the above are game breaking issues, they certainly add immense frustration and less if not no chance to win matches.

    My group of mature gamers have over 100 years of gaming experience between us and have been waiting like everyone else for Titanfall, unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the new consoles give us the opportunity to record great gameplay moments as well as issues.

    So far Titanfall has not performed without problems, loading times are excessive, frame rate drops are across the board and EU/US players are being connected to US/EU servers without notification. This has been verified by groups joining games/parties with a majority US/EU population even though the server connect is set to region of origin, this last issue would create most of the problems with hit detection, rubber banding and lag. Let's hope its not the net code 'eh. Ping returns also confirm this!

    We have accumulated enough technical evidence now to show that Titanfall on next gen is not flawless, this thread has been created in hope that one of Respawn or associated devs acknowledge these issues. Tweets and emails have also been posted to the relevant parties.

    Thank you for reading!
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  2. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    Where will you post the video as I'd like to see it, to see what you're talking about.

  3. BulletProof YOC

    BulletProof YOC Generation 1

    Mar 16, 2014
    Please view my video I just uploaded showing exactly this what you are talking about, seeing it all the time, rinsing players only to get killed because my bullets don't hit... getting a bit silly now, UK fibre optic 22ms ping to western Europe servers, Im assuming this is backing up what you are saying:

    Titanfall Hit Detection issue? Pilot will not DIE!!! Xbox One:

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  4. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014

    Wow, I've had some of those same kind of moments and wondered the same thing to myself. I was in Attrition last night and emptied 2 clips into a human with the assault rifle while he was bouncing around, and he wasn't firing a shot. Not all of my rounds hit him, but enough should have to have taken him down. At the end and once I got tired of watching the bouncing, and getting dizzy as a result, he just pulled a piston and one shot me in the head!!

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  5. markforza

    markforza Finally got to Gen5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 30, 2014
  6. VonAdder

    VonAdder Generation 1

    Mar 16, 2014
    Yes this is exactly what we are talking about!

    Things have moved on quite considerably now, with more and more players creating their own Titanfall issue videos. At the moment we are trying to combine and edit the footage from ten clan members, all showing huge netcode problems!

    Unfortunately this is taking time as all involved have families and work commitments, but it's getting there.

    Gameplay in general has gotten slightly worse over the last few days, especially in matchmaking and group games, i'm sure Respawn are aware of the issues, but in the meantime Titanfall is far from perfect and is suffering from the same issues as BF4 and COD.
  7. Robbie G

    Robbie G Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    Hey peeps this is exactly what I have been getting over past couple of days. beta played great on both my PC and Xbox one so decided to purchase on launch 14th March UK.

    I now at this time regret it as its pretty stupid the amount of times I die so quick yet cannot win a 1-1 pilot fight. Even shots from my titan to titan do not reg properly so that defo means its not my aim as you really cant miss those gigantic bots.

    Im running on Uk Fiber 120/12 Virgin media and connect to the North EU server which I believe is Ireland.

    30-35ms, 0 packetloss and 1ms jitter. Staic ip wired on Xbox One.

    That's a decent connection if you ask me so defo has to do with Microsux/Azzure/Cloud servers.

    Hope they sort this out or like BF 4 another game no worth playing.
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  8. Virtual Agony

    Virtual Agony Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    when will game developers learn to ping lock servers? this alone will fix 90% of the issues out there. the whole "i can't play with my friends if this happens" excuse is old. get better internet then or closer friends. some one who pays $5 a month for internet shouldn't have the same experience as someone who pays $50 a month. its that simple. if you go to a race the sponsors won't hand you a supercharger just so you can keep up with the rest. so why should it be this way for games? get rid of lag compensation also. i am sick of high ping players getting an advantage.

    i recorded a vid of me dying from a thin air kick. i turned to see the pilot kick the air 6 feet from me and i died. the replay showed me next to him. if i wanted this kind of BS i would have stayed with BF4.
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  9. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    This pains me to say, but I totally agree as originally I didn't see the hit detection issues, but now that I've experienced it multiple times over several nights of playing, I can't play the game anymore until it gets fixed. An example from last night was that I noticed a human inside a building and rushed in to see him crouched down in a doorway and firing away from me. I unloaded a full clip of SMG rounds into him, he stood up and turned around and went outside the building. I loaded a new clip and he popped in front of the doorway again and I started firing. Halfway through emptying the clip again he nailed me. Now I'm not the best shot in the world, but I can't miss from 10 feet away and the human target facing away from me. Something is clearly wrong.

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  10. Force58

    Force58 Generation 2

    Feb 23, 2014
    Yep, it is 2014. The majority shouldn't have to suffer as a result of software coding that allows for gameplay optimization across cable, DSL, and dare I say it, dialup-level of internet access. That needs to end if in fact it is happening in this case. I would imagine its been happening with FPS's that are released in order to get the most number of people to buy and play the games. Sad.

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