My rebuttal to a rude titanfallers message - 21-0 Carbine/Arc Cannon

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Leon Young, Jun 14, 2014.

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  1. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014

    A member of the opposing team decided to send me a message saying that I should burn my xbox because I am the worst player he had ever seen. The previous match I went 1 - 17 and we lost by 80 points. What he didnt know was that I had left the game running unintentionally while I took a phone call. I decided to take the high road and not respond in words...
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  2. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    Great gameplay , you shoulda sent them a message back " how about you burn your Xbox noob"
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  3. SnoSurfer

    SnoSurfer Generation 4

    May 10, 2014
    Not that I condone someone sending rude messages, that kind of thing shouldn't be tolerated... Hope you reported them if you're on Xbox, but...

    I can understand them being pretty annoyed at you, being AFK and being that much of a detriment to your team is kind of infuriating, no matter what you do in the next game.
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  4. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    I agree he DID have a valid reason to send you a message like that since you gained 4 points for your team while giving 68 points to the enemy. You should have told him what happened after you went 21-0. I don't send too many hateful messages even if my team sucked. I remember almost raging on one LTS.
    I join LTS: we are 1 down already with no points. 0-1. We are outnumbered 6-4. 2 of my teammates were AFK the entire match while one was completely new to FPS's. I repeat COMPLETELY NEW TO FPS'S. He managed to kill one grunt and look at the sky for the entire match. He got wrecked while my 2 afk teammates got wrecked. I had tried to save my afk teammates 2 times but they got demolished. The final round was me running for my life in a stryder, Needless to say, I set up a 'run away in LTS stryder class' after that match. See how being AFK absolutely ruins your team? I didn't send angry messages and finished with honor, but that really pissed me off. You have to remember how the other guy perceives the situation. You lost by 80 and 68 of those points were you. You should've messaged him after your rebuttal. But I guess you did make it up to him in the end lol.
  5. Sloppy2nds

    Sloppy2nds Generation 2

    Apr 20, 2014
    To the two above , you serious ? Get a grip, its only a sodding game ffs .
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  6. KeiSon

    KeiSon Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2014
    Can be annoying when you get dormant players on your squad but I've been dormant before due to having to answer the door or take a phone call. So I like to think there busy rather then intentionally being a pain. I personally wouldn't of sent the message but good way to answer back with your skill instead of replying to the message.

    Don't get much trolling messages on Titanfall as compared to other games, got harassed once by a guy who took exception to me goosing him in all 6 rounds of a Last Titan Standing match. But apart from that I've received more messages with people saying 'Good Game' which makes a change.

    Maybe respawn can have a insert a function where dormant players get timed out after a few minutes like they do when you in game menu, if that is possible to insert. That way a player looking for a game can join in the match.
  7. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    lol I was tempted to write back but I figured I had said enough
  8. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    I could understand my teammates being pissed considering we had gone undefeated for the entire night but they understood as it was an important work call I received (I work in hotels and we get some pretty crazy calls at 2am). The person who wrote the message was somebody on the other team talking trash. Apparently he thought that he dominated me in the last match. How he didn't realize that nobody was controlling my guy was beyond me lol.
  9. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    Yea I agree. Trust me I have gotten into some last titan standing matches with dormant titans and as we all know that isn't gonna fly against a solid team and I could have understood my teammates being frustrated. Luckily they were understanding based on the nature of the call (we all work together). The message was sent from somebody on the opposing team, that's the problem I had. I would have took it on the chin had it come from one of my guys as I know that sucks.
  10. SnoSurfer

    SnoSurfer Generation 4

    May 10, 2014
    It mattered enough for the guy to send a rude message, and for this guy to make a video afterwards... So why don't you chill, it's a forum we can post our opinions too.
  11. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    Wow dude... those skills. You went right to the spots the other team usually takes... I need to learn more.
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  12. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Ohhh it was someone on the other team who sent you a hate message. I thought it was your own teammate lol. May I ask you something? I noticed you use Bumper Jumper as your set up. I've been thinking of the benefits of that control set up but I just cant use it for some reason. Did you start off playing with it or did you switch? And how did you get use to it when A for jump is the norm? Im so use to A but I know In titanfall bumper jumper is key but I just cant get use to it! Have any tips on how to get more comfortable with it and what benefit it has @Leon Young?
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  13. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    To be honest man Titanfall was the first multiplayer I got into. I watched a ton of videos and started practicing the best parts of the other players games I saw. The one thing that was apparent between all of them was their map recognition and parkouring/movement. I really feel that you can outmaneuver your opponent and score kills if the guy your playing has better aim/trigger finger. I would start there. After that I would get to know the weapons you have and where to use them. On corporate I always use the shotgun (lots of cqc areas with one shot capabilities). On Boneyard I always use the Carbine (a lot of longshot opportunities with very little wallrunning. On Smugglers cove I tend to use the car smg (a lot of mid range battles) and so forth...
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  14. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    I started off using the default setup and played like that for a few gens. Then I noticed that all of the best players I came across/watched were using bumper jumper so I figured there most be something to it. I knew it would take some time to transition over so I figured I would hop into the pilot training mode so that I could spend time wrapping my mind around it rather then just hopping into a game. During one of the last parts of the training (where it asks you to drop your titan) you can ignore and just run around and practice. I spent a lot of time practicing the wall runs and general movement and when I thought I was ready hopped into matches. I still had some panic wrong button presses during games but I was able to make the switch faster then if I just played right away. You can do really well without bumper jumper but I think that the switch helped me take it to the next level. Now when I wall run I can keep my aim fixed on my target at all times. It takes some time getting use to but the benefits are well worth it.
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  15. Jimmah

    Jimmah Generation 5

    Mar 17, 2014
    Always take the high road and let your gun do the talking.
  16. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I must admit, it is the lack of hate that I really like about TF. I haven't had any sh*t talk since I've started playing this game.
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  17. KeiSon

    KeiSon Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2014
    Think that's due to there being leaderboards for people to compare there game with others too, keeps the atmosphere competitive but at the same time friendly minus a handful of trolls
  18. ParaNormanBates

    ParaNormanBates Generation 4

    May 20, 2014
    You da man, Leon! You did the right thing by responding with the next game rather than with words. I hope its the guy that went 1-11 or 2-10. Because that would be hilarious! Everybody has had a bad game every now and then. But no one has the right to send a message like that no mater what. Unless you bought them that xbox one and the game ;-)

    Back in gen 8 I lost so many close games like 299-300 attrition and 3-4 LTS when we started 3-0. But never once had I blamed any of my teammates even when someone when 0-9. We are all here to have fun and that's all that matters.

    Once, I picked on a guy 2 times where he stood still doing nothing and third time I realized that he wasn't in the game so I ignored him because that wasn't a fair fight. And last night I kept picking on a first gen player for 2 straight games and I felt so bad for him that I didn't play the next round. Sure, he's gonna be picked by someone else but I don't want to be that person. Even if it means that I'd miss a MVP to complete my Gen 9 challenge.

    And in another hardpoint game, I was in a team which happened to be a clan, and another Gen 9 guy was stuck with all first gen guys. Turns out that I had picked him 2-3 times while he was trying to capture the hardpoint. And the last time, I saw him hide and went looking for him and he got me. His reaction after that? Crouch-Stand dance on top of my body! LOL I could not stop laughing. He probably thought that I was one of the clan member and was showing his frustration. But regardless, he deserved that dance and joyousness and I was happy that he got the MVP in that game.
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  19. Leon Young

    Leon Young Generation 4

    May 18, 2014
    lol somebody has down the crouch dance on me before. I remember it was an LTS game. You took it a lot better then I did cus I have to admit I was a little ticked off considering the guy had been playing terribly all game. But again my response was in game. We were down 3-0 and came back to win 4-3. I guess my teammates were a little upset as well haha.
  20. RedGhost211

    RedGhost211 Generation 4

    May 5, 2014
    I made a crouch dance with another player after destroying the transport ship, I think. I laughed really loud because it was my first time and it was really funny, that day I had guests so they just gave me a weird look. I messsaged the player but his best reply was 'haha, I had more kills than you', like, seriously?

    Unique moment, though. The idea came out of nowhere.
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