Video RAMPAGE: A Titanfall 2 Montage

Discussion in 'Titanfall Creations' started by L0l0, Jun 17, 2017.

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  1. L0l0

    L0l0 Generation 3

    Feb 17, 2014
    The time is finally here. Ever since i started to enjoy this game for what it is "The best shooter this generation" i knew that one day i would release a montage for it. I have watched all the montages from top Titanfall youtubers like UnknownSoldier and Benchy. While their montages are great, they were lacking one thing that i enjoy in montages. They lacked cinematics. With the lack of a theater mode in the game it is not possible to record cinematics scenes and i found a way to record cinematics with the ticks boost. With the help from friends i was able to record cinematics in order to make my first Titanfall montage the best that it could be. So there you have it. I worked hard on this and i hope that you guys enjoy it :)

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  2. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Excellent work! You are right, other montages are lacking that. I would say your's was the best I've seen. I would actually go so far as to say that some of the things you included are even far more impressive and much higher quality than what Respawn probably pays huge sums of money for to include in their trailers. They should just get you to do it for them. You would probably do it MUCH CHEAPER than what they are paying now, because heck you probably did this on your own time just because you enjoy doing it, and not only would they save a ton of money, but they would get much higher quality results.

    OK, rather than just imply it, I will just come right out and say it, whoever has been producing ANY of their trailers for TF2 is probably WAY overpaid and putting out poor quality. It does the game a disservice. Kick them to the curb Respawn and just get this guy to do it for you.
  3. L0l0

    L0l0 Generation 3

    Feb 17, 2014
    lol thank you man. Im honored. I really did enjoy editing this :)