Satchels - The Frustration Continues

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by ensc, Nov 19, 2016.

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  1. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    #1 ensc, Nov 19, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2016
    Aye aye aye. I just can't take it anymore. I just keep trying to compromise, because this game forces me to have to, but even when I am willing to compromise, I still get scewed and I'm just sick of it.

    In TF1, the only ordinance I ever used was Arc Grenades, because I knew if I hit you with 2 of them, you were dead. NOT ANY MORE!

    So, I compromised and just started using one of the things that was annoying me the most that other people were using against me, which was the Gravity Star, but again this wasn't a guaranteed kill and a good player can completely avoid it.

    So, I compromised again, and said, OK let me try satchels, because I know from the tiny bit I used them in the first game that I can pretty much control the placement even when flying through the air and trigger them when I want. And, yes, this works effectively sometimes, but yet another thing they had to unnecessarily change from TF1 just to make this game frustrating as hell in every single possible way. Even though I didn't use them much in TF1, I remember how responsive they were. If you threw that thing and triggered it immediately, it went off immediately, and I mean NO DELAY AT ALL. If you threw it and triggered it too fast you were going to kill yourself. So what did they do in TF2? So, you are in the heat of battle, you throw a satchel, you hit the button to trigger it, AND YOU KNOW YOU HIT THAT BUTTON BEFORE THE OTHER GUY PULLED THE TRIGGER ON HIS GUN, you die and the satchel never goes off and he gets to live on. In the first one, he may have gotten you, but he's going with and that's how it should have been. Just one more annoying change that did not have to be made.

    So, look at this, I've now had to make 2 compromises that I never should have had to make in the first place and still can't find any level of satisfaction. And this is just one microcosm of how the whole game feels.

    I am seriously trying to find a way to like this game and change things that will make it work for me that I can live with, but it is just unbelievable how they had to go and stick their nose in every little nook and cranny of the way the first game was and make it work differently or not at all. So unnecessary.

    UPDATE: It's been so long since I've used satchels in TF1, I wanted to go back and try it to make sure that what I was saying was accurate and it works exactly that way. If you throw it and trigger it at the same time it is almost instant. Maybe a tiny fraction of a second delay, but if you trigger it and someone shoots you, they are going down with you.
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  2. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    yep, the delay is a big disadvantage, for you clik or press a key to explode the satchel and the character pulls the trigger twice and the enemy can escape!
    it should be only one clik and it explodes, so you can control the explosion,
    but ypu have to be careful, if yu are in the explsion range you die too, it's ok, it's realistic,
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  3. BattleReadyPB

    BattleReadyPB Generation 5

    Feb 10, 2016
    At least in TF1 a guy could use satchels to wreck a titan and not have anyone question their skill...
    And now, total camper weapon.
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  4. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I love satchels, so OP, so so so OP. In TF1 they were just unfair. Run into room > gunfight > get into trouble > satchel XX > win gunfight > teabag > continue. :rolleyes:
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  5. Pitch_Invader

    Pitch_Invader Generation 2

    Jan 2, 2017
    I always stuck with satchels in TF1. My favorite was throwing them through open windows or up through a skylight up to someone prowling around on the roof. They were also good, as someone mentioned, when you're a tight fight and you run out of ammo or something, boom just satchel the room = you might die but so will the other player.

    And you're right about the 2 grenades = kill in TF1. The grenades are all weaker in TF2 plus the radar pulse is not as good.

    It feels like cloak lasts longer and the evac ship sticks around longer before departure so maybe that's some sort of compromise.

    One thing I find weird (don't know where this thought should go) is that they created the ability to help a teammate in TF2 by stealing batteries and giving them to a titan on your side, but the game doesn't seem to record how many rodeo rides, successful steals, and successful giving of batteries you did. It also seems to not reward players for doing this, which is bizarre.
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  6. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I'm not a big fan of the whole new battery system in place of the old rodeo system, but you are right, if it is going to be there, then they ought to give you stats for it or something.
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