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Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lobby' started by ensc, Oct 19, 2017.

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  1. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    BattleReadyPB, I was going to mention this in your post about The Tragically Hip, but I didn't feel it was appropriate as that should just be for him.

    Anyway, I just heard of these guys about 2 weeks ago and this is now my absolutely favorite band (actually just 2 guys) and nothing else even comes close.

    I know it may seem strange, but I have not heard any new music that has connected to my soul so quickly in a long time. I think it is just the beats (provided by Andrew) and the honest raw lyrics (provided by Jason). It's a very working man, blue collar kind of punk rocky rap style of music.

    They are from Nottingham, England. This reminds me of something that would be like the favorite music of the "Boondock Saints" brothers or Brad Pitt's character in "Snatch".

    I love the simplicity of it being just the 2 of them and Andrew just basically pressing the play button on stage and then rocking out to the beats that he had created (he has the best job in the world). Jason ran into Andrew a few years ago late night at a club where Andrew would just play his beats when the live bands had left and everyone ignored his stuff, but Jason loved Andrew's beats.

    Here are my 2 favorite songs so far:

    Jobseeker (this is my absolute favorite)
    -more of a polished version on a talk show

    -concert version

    Tied up in Nottz (and this was the song I heard the very first time I ever heard them)

    Some other good ones are Jolly Fucker, BHS and TCR.

    Here are some interviews in case you are interested:

    with Jason and Andrew (where Andrew admits he has best job in world):

    with just Jason:

    I love these guys and can't stop listening to them.
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