Titanfall 1 Pilots.....Report! T1 Awesomeness VS. T2 Fails

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by KernelClamjuice, Oct 30, 2016.

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  1. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014
    Standby to be debriefed.

    First off. The attention to detail from T1 is gone....(period). T2 is a simpler dumbed down mechanics of the original. It feels and ......shoots like Call Of Duty. Yes I know they are the same designers but how can one explain the awesomeness and uniqueness of T1?

    Titanfall 1 is a fantastic game.....up until the T2 launch I had been continually playing it since its launch, with many people.

    As a T1 Pilot.......I expected T2 to be an Improvement on Game 1, I was very very excited just like most others. Unfortunately it is not.

    I will update this original post with new information as I recall it. Forgive me.....I have so much I want to post I can't recall it right now...

    Most of everything by Respawn that has been told to us with this explanation. " the storyline has allowed better technology in the future" which is why bits of the game are removed and approved on...

    TOO MANY THINGS THAT WERE AUTOMATIC IN T1 are now absent unless you utilize a PERK.

    The Orange Glow of the enemy is just about the god damned dumbest thing I have ever had the displeasure of experiencing.........I can't tell the pilots from the grunts. I shoot at the Orange figures wondering ....hoping....and not hoping at the same time I don't get killed buy one of them turning out to be a pilot.... Holy Shit!! If you happen to find a battery that is bright Christmas light neon fucking green you start to carry it.........WTF? Hey everyone......shoot at me....I'm glowing bright fucking Orange and Green streaking across the map hoping nobody notices me! This is probably the worst decision ever in gaming...

    They spent so much time trying to convince us with the story of how the Titan and pilot relationship was instrumental they stabbed themselves in the back of the neck by removing the 1st person actions in the game....

    The HUD is useless. I shouldn't have to give up 1 perk Map Hack just to utilize another. The T1 HUD was far Superior

    Cloaking. Again....I shouldn't have to give up one to get another. Cloaking should be automatic..for everyone.

    Burn Cards were excellent.....granted too many were allowed but why remove them from the game completely?

    The Sounds of the Game are gone....the grunts don't scream....they don't salute you......they don't talk amongst themselves.

    Spectres......according to the gaming guide spectres technology has been improved and the IMC fixed the flaw that allowed the enemy to hack them......by removing the port in the back of the head......

    The first person execution is sadly missed.....The Titan Termination is sadly missed.....Removing these from the game absolutely dumbed down the game and made it less personal. These new executions are alright but it is taking away from 1 of the many things that made T1 very special?
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  2. Getmused

    Getmused Generation 4

    Sep 9, 2016
    I gotta say I have a reply bad feeling and a severe knot in my stomach while playing the game.

    All of your points are valid. I'm so flustered I don't know what to say.

    Please someone give me some positive feedback. I'm a T1 player myself and I'm just bummed.

    The worst problem I'm having is trying to grasp why the developers slowed the game down. There is no freedom of movement in TF2 like there was in TF1 and it is seriously upsetting.

    Please, someone help me understand.
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  3. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    the orange glow on the enemies is annoying and dumb, yes,
    but i find the orange lines in the minimap useful, so i dont have to run all across the map to find some enemies

    sorry that you dnt like the game, maybe there are improvements on the way, to make this mp more like tf1 was
    dont loose hope now
  4. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Thank you Kernel! You are like a breath of fresh air. I just got done playing some Amped Hardpoint and Attrition and have a lot of the same feelings as you. Here are some things that are driving me crazy:
    1) The HUD and minimap are confusing and actually give me a headache. If they wanted to waste designer/developer resources on customization, it would have been much more effective to allow us to customize our HUD and minimap (move things around, hide things, use TF1 classic HUD if we want) rather than making pink titans and blue guns. What a waste of resources.
    2) Preset titan loadouts. I want to be able to pick what chassis, weapons, ordinance and tactical ability my titan will have. Not compromise and get 1/2 or 3/4 of what I want. So, let me get this straight, now I can customize the useless stuff like making titan pink, but you've removed the important customization that was there before, like choosing the loadout my titan will have to go into battle with. Oh, and why? So we can know a titan's abilities by looking at it, aka, dumbing the game down.
    3) Why is my shotgun weaker? In TF1, if I spotted you, I could 1-shot your face off. With this new version, I have to keep chasing you around the room and unloading 2, 3 4 rounds in you.
    4) Why is the Sidewinder a Primary Weapon? The Sidewinder is an anti-titan weapon, but now if I choose it as my primary, now I can only pick a sidearm or another anti-titan weapon as my secondary weapon.
    5) Why are there ticks and turrets? This is Battlefront type crap. Nothing should be allowed that allows you to kill me if you are not there to beat me face to face. Oh, and the spider looking ticks did not belong in the Single Player either and were so annoying.
    6) Why does taking damage and dying look/sound the same no matter how you got killed? Can't tell where it's coming from, then you have this kind of whitewashed/shock death thing with like a punch sound. What are these developers/designers like 5 years old to think any of that is cool?

    BOTTOM LINE: TF1 was far superior to TF2 multiplayer. if you don't think so, then you just didn't play enough TF1.

    So frustrating, because the Single Player Campaign is so awesome. If they had just kept the multiplayer as it was in TF1 and maybe added some of the good new things (stronger stim, sliding, new maps) and just left it alone at that, TF2 would be a sweet, sweet game. Instead, it's just a piece of garbage that I have no desire to get better at the way I did with TF1.
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  5. BIG D

    BIG D Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 10, 2016
    I did'nt play alot of TF1 but now that i played TF2 i can tell the difference. Something feels messed up on TF 2. The maps are terrible, crash site what the f××k is that. Even the aiming don't feel right too me. It frustrated that bad my controller got broke in two and threw in the bin. How long i will play the i really don't know.
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  6. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014
    I just don't feel the game received the attention to detail that T1 received.

    Everything feels "redesigned". Why? People that played the first game and complained didn't complain about the game itself....they complained about the content.

    When I read that we could customize.....I was thinking we could basically come up with whatever we wanted.....

    Not just 500 different colors of the same Camo.....

    I feel bad am forcing myself to play the game so I can learn to like it.

    The majority of the clan/ people I run with have already balked and reverted back to T1. I promised myself I would give the game an honest playing......but like I said I feel like I'm forcing it on myself.
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  7. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014
    #7 KernelClamjuice, Oct 30, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016

    The game is slower than the 1st and it's annoying.....when you use the jump pack it feels almost like an anchor compared to T1.........it feels like it's heavier and holding you back.

    The sounds of the game suck compared to T1. Everything seems so muffled....

    Titans are useless......they just don't last long and they lose health way to easily.

    The whole battery pack thing just doesn't work....

    While in a Titan....I can barely feel when I am being attacked or where it is coming from.

    If I get into 1 Titan fight my Titan is toast....its that simple......its a waste.......

    Calling in your Titan does nothing but give points to the other team. It's equal to both sides....which makes it a waste of time.

    I also noticed my friend and I had the same score......and it didn't make sense...

    We had the same amount of pilot kills. The same amount of Titan kills but different amount of minion kills.

    Yet our scores were the same...

    The spectres are too god damn hard to kill. You can empty a magazine into them. Only to get killed by another editor be in the same pack.....
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Getmused

    Getmused Generation 4

    Sep 9, 2016

    Oh man kernel I feel the same way. "Forcing myself". It's like I feel bad for respawn and have so much loyalty to the original.......

    It's not like the game is bad, it's just missing some very crucial aspects.

    It's like TF2 is really TF1. If that makes any sense
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  9. Getmused

    Getmused Generation 4

    Sep 9, 2016
    One thing off subject; why does the campaign only offer cloak? Having full customization of your pilot would immensely help replay
  10. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Gaming is alot of times a "hit or miss" kind of thing. We have to put our trust (and our $59.99 or $79.99) in their hands and just hope for the best. I personally hated the game (T2) and hastily cancelled my pre-order the first weekend of the open beta. The only reason I'm playing is because of the campaign. I spent so many days in the "doghouse" playing TF1, I don't think that will be an issue with this one. Now I must admit that my " hate" of the game has gone up to an "well I guess it's alright" kind of feeling. I mean when you play a game like the first Titanfall that made you want to play and get better at it and squeeze every drop of enjoyment out of it by getting all achievements, emblems, and lets not forget the coveted Too Legit to Quit gen 10 after (for me) that popped after ripping the arms off of that last titan and reaching Gen 10. Physically drained but proud none the least of your accomplishment. So proud and satisfied in fact that some of us even volunteered/re-enlisted to do it all over again... which was also as satisfying and enjoyable as the first time around. Unfortunately, we all can't be happy because... "it is, what it is". The biggest learning curve for me if I do decide to invest more time into the multiplayer will be learning and finding a set-up for both titan & pilot that will work for me. Admittedly I'm playing (like a lot of others) to hopefully learn to not dislike the game as much. It's Titanfall damn it. Titanfall was/is a great game and I so would love to be able get at least the some level of enjoyment (which I know would be asking alot) near what I experienced in TF1. Lets just see what the coming (and I'm sure we'll have at couple a least) of patches bring. Lets just cross our fingers and hope for the best.
  11. Sgt_rawk

    Sgt_rawk Generation 7

    Feb 4, 2014
    I played through the campaign on the weekend, I liked it, lots of "old fashioned" (see 90's - 00's) game mechanics, platforming, puzzles, solid set pieces...and a rather touching if not predictable story line. I rate it as good as the Doom campaign which if you've played the Doom piece you'll know how good it was. It was a welcome addition to the game and well worth another play through.

    With the MP having played the Beta I decided to go in thinking that this was a new game, which in many respects it is. The things that made the original game solid remain, good matchmaking for the most part, solid code which mean't good hit detection. I agree with you guys that it plays differently and the way it was being played on the weekend showed that. In TF 1 you would never see guys remain in spawn with snipers and AR's waiting for the other team to move up, now maybe I was getting lobbies of reasonable players but what I found myself doing was waiting short of mid map and playing more strategically (see camping my arse off). There does seem to be less players throwing themselves around the map. I think with more map knowledge that that type of play will change. Lots and lots of players flanking as well which is common TF1 fare so that didn't change.

    Titans are something I'm still trying to wrap my head around, I used Tone for the most part as it most closely resembled a class I could make sense of (even though you may remember I always used a stryder and a chain gun). I really didn't use anything else. Tone is a good option for TF2 due in part to the fact that Titans are a little more fragile now. So the 40mm makes sense, stand off from the competition, go in on the shoulder of another titan and then get the kill that way. It's more of a gamble to go one on one than it was before. I did notice some guys really kicking arse with the Ronin class as well. Ronin is certainly a pubstomp class, kills on pilots and infantry seem pretty easy with Ronin. With Tone the splash damage on the 40mm feels far more capable than before and seems to blow over grunts and spectres (or what ever they are called now) with not too much effort.

    It clearly isn't TF1, I feel like they fixed a couple of things that didn't need fixing.

    1. The devs said that you spent alot of time getting shot in the back and so have designed the spawns and maps to mitigate that issue (which goes some way to explaining the gameplay of sitting and waiting mid map). I didn't feel like this was the case and so what if I get shot in the back. So this was a perplexing thing to address.

    2. The devs said that they felt it was too frenetic, that it was too fast. Again, I'm unsure about that feedback. I felt like that's what made it what it was. I managed to move a good pace around the maps despite the fact that it does move slightly slower. However it also feels like there are far more surfaces to get pace on and the grapple (which I didn't use much) does allow pretty nice map traversal.

    3. The devs said that Rodeos meant that your Titan was effectively dead and so made the process a two phase move. Again. I fail to see why they would think that. If I get rodeo'd I get out and shoot them. Simple. On the plus side, Titanfall crushes are easy to get as the animation for plopping in the grenade holds them still while you call in your titan, I manage a couple of good ones on the weekend.

    This is getting a bit TL;DR so I'll stop. I like it overall, it is different. It is not TF 1 but I still like it. TF 1 is still there and I will always go back to it for a game as well. TF 2 is what it is and for the most part, I think it's good.
  12. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I'm just glad to have a place to vent. I really appreciate you all sharing what you are not happy with. You all bring up a lot of things I am not happy with as well, especially Kernel. You are definitely right about there not being the same level of attention to detail as in TF1. To me TF1 was a beautiful work of art, an obvious labor of love to all who worked on it. It was an environment I wanted to work hard to get good at. I have no desire to get good at TF2. I feel like it would be a waste of time. I want my TF1 shotgun back. I want to have my Sidewinder available at the same time. I want my Stryder with the 40MM, Cluster Missiles and Electric Smoke. Give me all that back and then we can talk. Otherwise, I'm going back to TF1 that has been the joy of my life for 2 years and 7 months.
  13. Mic Blades

    Mic Blades Generation 3

    Aug 14, 2014
    Even something as simple as ejecting from a titan feels way off. I'm trying to eject with a enemy titan 50 feet away and it doesn't work. They have time to dash to me and melee execute me, wtf? So nuclear ejection is useless for me in this game, I can't eject from my titan. It seems a melee attack takes precedence over an ejection even if you eject first, it's broken.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Man, I just went back and played TF1 for a couple hours. Good Lord it was good to be home. It is like night and day. TF1 is such a fun, exciting and pleasurable game to play even after playing it for at least 2 hours a day for 2 years and 7 months. TF2 is just a piece of garbage. I have no desire to try to get good at it. It just infuriates me that they didn't listen to people who loved TF1, but instead listened to all of their COD buddies (who already had 14 games of their own) and now they ruined it. TF1 is my favorite video game of all time. TF2 will just get thrown on the pile of games I regret paying full price for, because I tried them and they suck.
  15. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    #15 A4eaTransformer, Oct 31, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2016
    Most of us agree. But what can we do? Can we beg them to put a traditional stream or at least a hybrid mode in the game which gives us our old Titans back? Really can some one let me know: Is there any hope? Will anyone listen? In the end is it just all about sales and money? Could they just simply make a few tweeks to the old TF and let us continue to play!!
    • Like Like x 3
  16. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I'm completely with you buddy. I hope for the same. At least if I could have my old titan back, I love to put him up against these new cartoony pieces of crap.

    Man, I wish I had the money, I would buy the rights to TF1, add some rock solid matchmaking, set a meeting with the developers at Blizzard and find out what they used for their anti-cheat system in Overwatch and use the same thing, hire all the developers and designers that worked on TF1 who think it was better than TF2 and add some new maps, but not tweak anything else and it would blow the doors off of TF2.

    Hey, that gives me an idea. I wonder if we could start a crowd funding, Kickstarter-like, campaign to do that.
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  17. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014

    Utopia World would be if they could incorporate the new maps *which are not that good to T1.

    I'm so sad that this is the game.. I wanted and needed something to play as my outlet. I have to say I honestly without a doubt do not look forward to entering my Titan in T2. They just are not worth it....

    Because of the way they designed the maps and the choke points battles are in the same place every time.....it's predictable.....not fun....I'm already bored with it......
    • Like Like x 2
  18. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Agreed, but I'd still love to bring my fully loaded out Stryder in there and tear some of these cartoon robots apart.
  19. KernelClamjuice

    KernelClamjuice Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    May 4, 2014

    I've said it before and ill say it again.

    Give me my:

    Rocket Salvo
    Nuclear Ejection

    I'll beat the shit out of any of these new Titans.

    I would go to town on all the orange characters running around the map.........it's a joke.
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  20. aldoboymusic

    aldoboymusic Generation 2

    Oct 28, 2016
    This game is just an Advanced Warfare hybrid, what were the developers thinking when bringing this out...

    The reason I loved Titanfall one so much as that you could actually run and gun, even with the smart pistol... lol

    But this game was aimed at the COD market, and players...

    Thats just the impression that i get...
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