Video Titanfall PC: Is the Community Dead or is Pilot Hunter Ignored?

Discussion in 'Titanfall Creations' started by L0l0, May 6, 2014.

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  1. L0l0

    L0l0 Generation 3

    Feb 17, 2014
    Feel free to provide opinions on the topic
  2. Soran_F

    Soran_F Generation 2

    May 5, 2014
    Several modes are dead. I think the community is dying too since their complaints are being ignored.
  3. terminatahx

    terminatahx Generation 2

    May 11, 2014
    It's pretty obvious the community is dying. It's taking the game longer and longer to setup matches and more I am finding empty human slots.
  4. D2ultima

    D2ultima Generation 4

    Feb 3, 2014
    The community is dying and will continue to die. EA took too long to greenlight the game for production, Respawn made a broken game because no time, they apparently don't know how to fix a bloody thing in the game, loads of people who could play it in the beta cannot play it right now AND to top it all off, EA is still promoting both this AND battlefield 4 (in all their buggy, beta-status glory) and making the devs work on DLC.
  5. kalidor

    kalidor Generation 2

    Apr 4, 2014
    It's the same thing trying to find a pilot hunter match on xbox one. If there's no bots for easy xp nobodys interested, also last titan standing seems to be dieing which is a shame.
  6. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    #6 Clarkeh, May 12, 2014
    Last edited: May 12, 2014
    I would like to chime in and say on the European side (mainly EU West) Queuing seems to be ok...not great but ok i can agree that the loading times into the game have considerably increased since Beta/Release and im wondering why that is the case since Beta/Release after the 90 seconds i was into the game in a matter of seconds and now im having to wait 3-5 minutes before the dropship scene comes onto my screen.

    Im thinking the lack of players playing PH and LTS is down to challenges being alot harder to complete in those game modes versus other game modes, For example with me i found getting 50 rodeo kills harder in PH then say in Attrition or Campaign so i purely went into Campaign to clear those challenges and i have been doing that since near enough release and not really botherd with the other game modes.

    This could be down to me personally enjoying the light immersion of the story playing in the background while im doing challenges and some of the community may echo this and are doing the same thing.

    With the new maps we may see more life injected into the game at least for a little while until the casuals have had thier fill of the new maps and then go back to CoD/DayZ but i can honestly say im still enjoying the game and hasn't become a chore for me.

    Edit: That guys GFX Card seems to be burning out on him his effects are really messed up on the titan weapons,explosions and the jetfire from the dropships are all greenish which is a sign hisc ard is packing up or overworked.
  7. iMonocyte

    iMonocyte Generation 2

    May 6, 2014
    I always play the variety mode and I play a lot of these gametypes regularly.
  8. NoZart

    NoZart Generation 1

    Jul 6, 2014
    From a publisher standpoint, it just makes sense. Sell the game, sell a few DLCs and then look for it to die off fast so server costs stay low. Kill the remainders of the players by releasing a new version next year, and if people STILL like to play the old game too much, pull the plug on their servers.
    Rinse, repeat.