Titanfall's story to 'most definitely have an ending', play from both sides

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by WhoIsDo, Jan 24, 2014.

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  1. WhoIsDo

    WhoIsDo Generation 7

    Nov 15, 2013

    While we've mostly just been shown the campaign multiplayer for Titanfall, very little has been touched on from the game's "story". An interview I've discovered this morning talks about how it will definitely have an ending, and that we'll be playing the game campaign multiplayer from the perspective of both factions to get the "full" story.

    Does this mean Titanfall won’t have a definitive ‘end’, continuing indefinitely?

    Titanfall will most definitely have an ending. It’s not a story if it doesn’t have an ending, but there are multiple sides to that story. It’s told from both the Militia and IMC perspectives, and to fully grasp Titanfall’s campaign, you’ll need to play it from both sides. And as with any good story, we’ve hopefully peppered it with enough detail and nuance that you’ll notice something new every time you replay it.

    Can we expect a vast, overarching story about the fate of the universe? And if so, is this a nod towards lots of post-release updates?

    Most consumers play the single-player campaign of any shooter only once, and then go on to play multiplayer for months or years. Single player campaigns take hundreds of thousands of hours to develop, and with a team as small as ours we couldn’t afford to sink that kind of development time into a four to eight hour journey people will only play once. What we’re hoping to achieve is to take an exciting cinematic experience and weave it into multiplayer gameplay so compelling, that players will continue to be engrossed in the universe of Titanfall for months and years after its release.

    How have you added a sense of story-led progression? Will multiplayer progression – in terms of levels/XP – be tied to narrative advancement?

    So we’ve only really spoken about one way to play Titanfall. That’s Campaign Multiplayer. You can join a lobby by yourself or with a party, but here’s where it gets different. You and your party or enlisted into a faction, either IMC or Militia. You’ll play the campaign and progress through the narrative hitting the missions in order until you’ve beaten the game on that faction. You’ll then have the option to play through again from the beginning on the other faction. Once you’ve beaten the game from both sides, you’ll be able to play any mission on either faction you like. There are traditional modes as well that you’d expect from a multiplayer FPS game and you can start playing those from the first time you run the game. No matter what you play, you earn XP and progress.​
  2. OujaStrike

    OujaStrike Generation 4 Level 50
    Elite Pilot

    Dec 8, 2013
    good to see the story has a end
  3. timmyd463229

    timmyd463229 Generation 1

    Jan 26, 2014
    Sounds pretty fun to me
  4. Lateralus082

    Lateralus082 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 26, 2014
    This really pumps me up. I want to bring about total MCOR victory before we jump into the IMC.
  5. OujaStrike

    OujaStrike Generation 4 Level 50
    Elite Pilot

    Dec 8, 2013
    i think the imc is going to be my favorite faction