A "Challenge" is meant to be challenging.

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Cheesy, Apr 9, 2014.

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  1. Cheesy

    Cheesy Generation 1

    Apr 9, 2014
    I don't usually post on forums, but I came across this when finding out more about the gooser challenge, and once I saw that it was being reduced to 5... I completed the last 42 I needed that same day and then one extra for fun. I then saw a thread about the smart pistol being nerfed, and now about the brain surgeon challenge being reduced. These challenges are meant to be challenging, not to have people complaining about their "different variables to get opportunities" to the point that I have seen no true praise being received for this game on here. It is solely about things being too hard or ridiculous to complete, or about smart pistol locks being too easy, which for grunts it is, sure, but pilots, no, unless you are walking behind them in a straight line, you are not getting some lock on insta-kill that easily. I manually aim up to kill pilots, but now you pretty much will run out of bullets and die in a real 1v1 with someone unless you have the extended magazine. In the same manner people complain about the eva-8 being able to one shot people at close range and that it has no accuracy or range. I can hit people across rooftops and kill them with two rounds. It is a shotgun, it isn't supposed to match the range of other guns but yes, if you get shot in close range with it, you will likely die instantly, because it is a shotgun. That is what shotguns do, or nobody would use them over the other weapons, and in that respect, I don't know how you could miss with it.

    I signed up on this site just to type that out because seriously, it is a game, and challenges should be what they are meant to be; not reduced so you can jump to the next gen and brag about it by getting Respawn to reduce the amount required for you.

    I read this off of a thread on GameFaqs where Tornadofox said "When a titan is doomed and the pilot ejects whatever doomed it gets credit for the kill. When an auto-titan is doomed whatever causes it to explode gets the credit for the kill. The reason some didnt count is because one of your teammates stole the kill after you doomed it." This is apparently what is required to complete brain surgeon. I looked it up because some of mine didn't count either but now that I know what it is, I plan to get back to completing it. Why everyone has to have all of these challenges that unlike some others in the game for basic things, are actually challenges, constantly reduced makes no sense. If it is too much of an issue, remain at your current gen. Simple.

    I thoroughly enjoy playing Titanfall, and I also enjoy actually working towards these real challenges in the higher gen requirements. I do believe at some point and potentially that this forum is still to an extent about fun, and helpful individuals discussing a great game, but stop complaining about challenges that you can't complete and just get to it after googling whatever the specific hidden details about it are. Also, I probably won't be on here to read responses that I'm being mean or any comebacks, because I will be playing the game instead, for as long as I can until the next update reduces something else that doesn't need to be altered.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. BallisticDad

    BallisticDad Played the very first FPS! *Duck Hunt*
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    WoW Thats a lot... I might read this later... lol
    • Like Like x 1
  3. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Smart Pistol got 2 nerfs or just the one with reduced hipfire anal destruction?
  4. ps4xbox1fan

    ps4xbox1fan Generation 2

    Mar 2, 2014
    This is a forum! If you wanna hear ga ga goo goo shit then look elsewhere! People unlike myself will leave this game when the find themselves sitting at 50 of level 5 for 2 weeks without progressing. It will turn a lot of people off.
  5. Bear

    Bear That ain't falco.
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 18, 2014
    People complain about difficulty. If something is stopping them they have one of two possibilities, become a better player and adapt their play style to overcome the adversity, or, bitch and moan. That being said, Gooser is unfair at it's current state. It either needs to be nerfed to 30 or swapped into a different generation. 50 is an absurd number considering the amount of people using cloak on this (I'd estimate 90%). I'm not disagreeing with you that it's annoying for people to want challenges to be easier, but when something becomes a grind it becomes stale and that turns people off. Take 8th gen for example. 100 wins is not difficult, it's time consuming. I finished 7th gen in 33 games played. I was a THIRD of the way through the 8th gen challenge maxed at 50(assuming I had won all 33 games). That's ridiculous. 67 wins isn't hard after that, it's time consuming. 50 wins is far more reasonable because it takes out the grind portion of the generation.

    I'm all for challenges but when it's using an awful gun (G2A4, Railgun, Charge rifle) it becomes a frustrating experience and that puts people off. I'd be fine with using those guns if they were even somewhat useful when facing pilots/titans with far superior weaponry. But they aren't, and they force the situation to be in favor of the enemy unless I get a lucky moment. That's the problem with Gooser I think. It's not that people can't kill the ejecting pilots, it's that people can't get such a rare moment to happen. You have to A) Destroy the Titan/been near a destroyed Titan B) Have that person actually eject instead of allowing themselves to die C) Not have your Titan doomed in the process D) Be the right distance away/not inside E) Not being shot at by other Titans/Pilots F) The ejecting pilots doesn't have nuclear ejection/auto-eject/cloak. You need that moment to happen 50 times with a 100% success rating of shooting the pilot. Assuming you get that to happen ONCE every game(which is stretch even in LTS) you need to play 50 games that generation.

    The brain surgeon challenge is stupid because it doesn't explain itself very well. The whole game we are led to believe that a doomed titan is a kill, but it's not. You HAVE to have the pilot eject while doomed for the kill to count. If they disembark AT ALL, that titan kill will NOT COUNT. You have to stay on an auto-titan the entire time until it blows up. I'm fine with that but they did such an awful job of telling you what you need to do. I feel bad for all the people who didn't use the forums and find their explanation as quickly as I did. I don't think it should be nerfed but it does need to be PATCHED to allow disembark auto-titan kills to count.

    The shotgun complaining is stupid and happens in every FPS. Smart pistol I have no opinion on.
  6. ps4xbox1fan

    ps4xbox1fan Generation 2

    Mar 2, 2014
    No matter what you say, Prestiging or leveling up in a multiplayer game should not be hard to the point people are at the same level for weeks! Lol! That's a joke! I love a good old fashioned hard challenged single player game but fps multiplayer? Leveling up keeps a lot of people going! When that stops, people say fuck it and move on. I'll keep trying no matter how long it takes but it's gonna turn a lot of people off!
  7. Bear

    Bear That ain't falco.
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 18, 2014
    Gooser shouldn't take weeks, just saying. If it's taking you weeks then it's more than likely something on your part that you are doing wrong. Challenges give generations more than just mindless leveling up. I really enjoy the challenges aspect of it.
  8. ps4xbox1fan

    ps4xbox1fan Generation 2

    Mar 2, 2014
    It's been a week and a half and i got 2 gooser kills sitting at level 50! Oh, I'm not doing anything wrong. When people actually eject without being cloaked I kill them. Which has only been twice! Lol! Most are not even ejecting anymore! They commit suicide! I have no problem playing this game. In fact, it's one of the easiest fps multiplayer games I've played. Fun as hell when you're just playing to win and not concentrating on dumb challenges! I finally played last titan standing and my team was loaded with level 5's! Lol! I lmao! It is affecting gameplay! People don't care if they win or lose just that they get a damn gooser kill!
  9. ps4xbox1fan

    ps4xbox1fan Generation 2

    Mar 2, 2014
    Let's stop acting as if those who have completed this gooser challenge are somehow more skillful than others. This challenge is about luck and chance! There are so many factors completely out of your control! You can't make a pilot eject you can only kill the titan! You can't make a pilot not go cloaked immediately at ejecting! The challenge is unfair because it's out of the player's control. In the beginning, those who completed this challenge did so because pilots knew no better. It's just prohibiting progression now. It's dumb.
  10. Bear

    Bear That ain't falco.
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 18, 2014
    And this. I threw a ton of matches because it meant a Gooser kill.
  11. A.C

    A.C Generation 4

    Feb 18, 2014
    I completely agree which is why I posted the quoted message below in another "moan thread" regarding the 'All I do is win' Gen 8 challenge, which requires the player to win 100 games.


    NYCIDDY Generation 3

    Apr 9, 2014

    I see where your coming from... When i started and prestiged and i didn't even know there was a challenge till i was almost level 50.... I was heated ahahha.. first thoughts i don't want to do this.. then i saw one gen you had to use a sniper i was even more convinced i wasn't going to do it... But i eventually did it.. its not that bad... I mean if it wasn't for the challenges i would just use a carbine.. and chain gun... its nice to use the other weapons and do the other challenges...

    Gooser i get it its annoying but its not that hard... let us know what your doing maybe we can help... Right now im doing the brain surgeon challenge and its annoying because titans blow up titans before my meek pilot can.... the challenges just give you something to do.. i can see the frustration with people who just want to play one way and keep it that way... thats how i play... just a grind... not to bad... but like any video game can be annoying...
  13. ps4xbox1fan

    ps4xbox1fan Generation 2

    Mar 2, 2014
    If someone says "it's easy" or "it's not that hard" again I'm gonna explode! " not that hard" is something that I control, something that I work to get better at and eventually accomplish! Once again, pilots ejecting is out of my control! I can tell you a million times what I'm doing but nothing you tell me will make a pilot eject! I'm in an orge with a chain gun and sometimes an arch cannon. I doom titans, back up waiting for ejection but the damn pilot already Bails out! They know the deal as soon as they see us level 5's in the lobby. It's ruining the game. Level 5's all in the campaign mode! In last titan standing! Not worrying about winning at all! Just challenges. I don't kneed over the top challenges to keep me playing the game, I kneed progression! That's what keeps me playing! I'd kill to do any other challenges for levels 6-10! My friends have already given up and been turned off by this so I play solo. I never played cod long enough to reach 10th prestige. I thought this would be the first game I did it but no way am I going to keep playing this game stuck on level 5!

    NYCIDDY Generation 3

    Apr 9, 2014
    yeah i ran into the same problems.. you start a match of LTS and no one moves cause there waiting for someone to be the aggressor. Dude i get it i went through the same bs.... your going to have to lobby bounce if your going to play LTS.... Play attrition and or pilot hunter here and there to change it up... find lobbies with no or few level 5's in it... on your team and theres. You just got to get a groove... there are days i would get one gooser others i would get 10...

    But as a titan you should no way be engaging a battle... your MO is to pop a few shots so you can see where they are and see how much health they have... let the other people do the work.... so when someone else dooms them all you have to do is be in the back and shoot them out the air.

    I personally suck with the arc cannon i used the chain gun with extended mags exclusively for this challenge.. and i used the ATLAS damage core activated helps take a pilot out in two shots... also play from a distance... even when cloaked you can still see them when far enough... your basically playing as a sniper and let the other people slay away. It is hard in the beginning but once you start getting a groove of how it works... it will come to you....
  15. Lord PiLLz

    Lord PiLLz Generation 2

    Apr 10, 2014
    Wait till you hit gen 8 and need 100 wins then you stop playing they should reduce that to 5 lol but i agree gooser was not hard just took time and its less time than 100 win
  16. Kyle sandborn

    Kyle sandborn Generation 2

    Apr 9, 2014
    If I am reading this correctly it seems some people are just going to stop playing once they gen up and complete all challenges...
    I've never really understood the allure of completing challenges in fps shooters, it's not why I play.
    I'd like ranked, so I could measure skill and see improvement.

    It seems you'd want to make some of the challenges really difficult to keep people playing. especially the later gens. Perhaps they should have just moved the gooser challenge to a higher gen.
  17. Dawn Wolf

    Dawn Wolf Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2014
    Everything I would say has been said mostly.

    It's not a question of too hard per sey, but Gooser was annoying because it was reliant on luck and situation beyond your control. After almost a week of playing an hour or two every day strictly for Goosers, I was on 25.

    And I wasn't having fun. And I threw games. And all the other gen50s in my lobbies were also pissed, everyone desperately trying to steal each other's gooser kills. That's not good.

    I don't think I'll mind a grind of 100 wins though. At least people will be playing to win, and any playstyle/class/mode counts. With Gooser, you were shoehorned into playing LTS Chaingun extended mag pretty much forever.
  18. LedFlinga

    LedFlinga Generation 4

    Mar 26, 2014
    Didn't I rant about this a week ago?
    • Like Like x 1
  19. BallisticDad

    BallisticDad Played the very first FPS! *Duck Hunt*
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    Shhhh You had your turn! lol jk
  20. ps4xbox1fan

    ps4xbox1fan Generation 2

    Mar 2, 2014
    Thanks respawn! Now I can level up and have fun again!