Extra Life Fundraising

Discussion in 'General Gaming' started by Ik0n88x, Jan 23, 2016.

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  1. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    So this year I decided to do something a little different in regards to my Extra Life fundraising page. Normally, Extra Life holds an official day where they want everyone to stream for 24hrs {date hasn't been announced this year yet}. So this year I wanted to switch it up a little bit and so I'm gonna start #extralife365 where I do a fundraising every single month and every month is going to have a different theme. Here is what I have planned so far...

    {Indie Games ~> January 23rd, 2016 @ 10am EST}

    I'm gonna do something different every single month for a 6hr stream to try and get Extra Life out there a bit more.

    You can check out my social media links here...

    Twitch ~> http://www.twitch.tv/ik0n88
    Twitter ~> http://twitter.com/ik0n88
    Fundraising Page ~> http://tinyurl.com/jbgxw52

    I appreciate any views and/or shares from everyone, I really appreciate it and I encourage you {if you haven't already} to check out Extra Life @http://www.extra-life.org!

    I'm live now for my first event!
    • Like Like x 2
  2. ThirdGuyver

    ThirdGuyver Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2015

    Awesome work dude
    • Like Like x 1