I regret buying Titanfall only for 1 reason

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by Spyro, Feb 27, 2015.

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  1. Spyro

    Spyro Generation 1

    Feb 27, 2015
    yes, its Smart Pistol, play with smart pistol and diamond rating is yours with 1 eye watching to screen and other 1 is watching to your favorite tv show. the fact its lock players is dumb, the fact it finds cloaked players is dumb, it would be fine if it locks player only for 1 shoot and use right click to target and kill. its already giving fastest grunt/sceptre clear speed meaning its already very good weapon now its a joke making game discusting...
  2. The Juggernaut

    The Juggernaut Generation 7

    Apr 2, 2014
    Ok. Why do you still play it? The population is very low so if you REGRET buying the game why would you still be playi.... nevermind carry on.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Bored of these topics now. I get that people don't like it, but the lack of attention to the number of topics already posted about this may mirror the lack of situational awareness in-game hence being killed by it. "disgusting"
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  4. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    I know it sounds crazy, but if your pilot wears an aluminum foil hat SP can't lock on.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. PAYLHORS8248

    PAYLHORS8248 Generation 5

    Jun 25, 2014
    Ya knowwww.....
    I started out liking it and then as I got "better", I kinda loathed it:mad: (NOT too strong a word....) and now that I've Gen'd as far as I can Gen I've kinda (for the most part) learned to work with it, AND against it when the necessity demands it. I was noticing in the last week or so that I've kinda even'd out (mentally) and have taken a more focused (ZEN-like?) approach to playing. Not so stressed or frustrated, scores have creeped up 10-15% and leaderboard position is either upper half of winning or dead first in the losers and very well balanced,....CONSISTANTLY!!!
    This is all general & relative to whom I'm playing at the time (still can't beat a good team), but I'm starting to count coup on a few respectable players (as individuals) now, where I was (definitely) NOT before. My ability to counter maneuver, out think, and my aim has really started to show at distance and this with guns that are not known for being "ranged". Part of me really wants the SMP to stay if nothing else because I hate changing something on account of my perceived defeat (I hate giving up, those who know me know this) when there is a clear tactic and approach to counter it, if you practice good counter methodology, exploit it's weaknesses (CQB, lock time, cloak) and hunt the bastards down relentlessly and let them know, YOU KNOW!!!
    I'm with you on campers and those who believe they are winners because they sit still and just wait for you to wander into the crosshairs, that's not skill and will never make them good players (and I'm bett'n, deep down, they know it!;)). But also I can appreciate the fact I was not doing my part (situational awareness, hugging corners, changing direction, and watching my 6! and just plain doing something stupid!!!). On several recent incursions I have made it my mission to hunt these individuals down, get them in a tight spot (where they could not get a lock) and annihilated them,... over,....and,....over,....again (if you keep it up, they kinda go away after awhile).
    I guess what I'm trying to say is the game is about survival and if it was real (one life) we would all be using the SMP and not be moving much. Thank GOD for Respawn (in both definitions!)
    As always, got yur 6!
    :cool:D. Out!!!
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Spyro

    Spyro Generation 1

    Feb 27, 2015
    and why you think population is low? as I mentioned its only thing thats keeps this game down. I am not pro, but watching people getting highest ranks with no skill making you think whats wrong with this game?
    if you still defend it, when look god damn pro steamers, they will all agree smart pistol is op, its not because it locks head but for other lots of reasons. Its 1 of my fav games so far, but I rather die 10 times in a row from SMG/Rifle than 1 time from smart pistol, it feels like damn aim bot.
  7. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Really... why are people still bringing up the SP? I have to remember that with every sale/ discount/price cut there is to be a new batch of sp dislikers:rolleyes: that will somehow find there way to a forum like this and try to convince everyone that the sp is bad and should be destroy eliminated from a pilots inventory.:confused: Stop playing the game if it pains you so. If you don't want to stop playing the game, at least go to the Black Market in the game menu and but the aluminum foil pilot helmet that does not allow smart pistol lock-on.;)
  8. Jeffb2001

    Jeffb2001 Generation 3

    Mar 14, 2015
    I'm guessing that a SP is the Nickelback of Titanfall. I die a lot waiting for a lock on, but I still like the weapon. Out of my Atlas it's Mag launcher all day.