IGN / Respawn interview about the single player in Titanfall 2

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Bruvas, Aug 12, 2016.

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  1. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014

    IGN recently had an interview about the campaign in Titanfall 2 with the lovely folk over at Respawn

    The Story so far:

    Titanfall 2 is the story of rifleman Jack Cooper and his unlikely partnership with Vanguard-class titan BT-7274. He’s a grunt in the conflict between the IMC (the mega corporation) and the Militia (the rebels). But Cooper has greater aspirations; he wants to be a Pilot. Pilots are the badass rockstars of warfare - they’re quick, and powerful, and linked to gigantic robots called Titans that come in all shapes and sizes. Everyone loves pilots.

    A Grand Campaign

    What Titanfall lacked in single poster is, at least from what I saw, being made up for in its sequel. It's story of unlikely friendship, built upon the mechanics that made the first game so enjoyable. Its dialogue tree with BT-7274, even if it eventually comes to not mean more than a slight difference in responses, is fostering the kind of relationship between the dual protagonists you'd want in buddy cop film.
    And though BT-7274 is the most advanced titan to date - the first that wasn't repurposed from the IMC, created solely by the Militia - with the ability to mimic and replicate the abilities of the many titans you'll fight during the campaign, from what I've seen, he's more comrade than tool. It's a relationship that goes deep, and I can't wait to delve into it
    And for those wondering whether the campaign will simply be a quick primer for Titanfall 2's ostensibly multiplayer-focused gameplay, McCoy assures it will be a lengthier experience than expected.
    "As we've been testing it, and people have been playing it, people's expectations are that it's much shorter than it actually is," McCoy said. "So it will be longer than I think people will expect."

    Worth a read!

  2. illegalfreq

    illegalfreq Generation 1

    Aug 11, 2016
    Thanks for sharing, campaign sounds really great!
    • Like Like x 1
  3. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Really good read @Bruvas ... thanks for that.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Ninjajedaii

    Ninjajedaii Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 10, 2016
    Nicely done! And thank you for the post !
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Slappy

    Slappy Generation 2

    Aug 10, 2016
    I'm looking forward to the TF2 campaign.

    Just hoping it doesn't feel tacked on like a lot of other games campaigns do nowadays.
  6. Bruvas

    Bruvas Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jul 17, 2014
    Quite right, but I have all the faith in the world that it's going to be great. With the flak from some parties about the lack of single player in TF1, they'll know they need to get this right. The mind still boggles as to how the internet went bat sh*t crazy over Overwatch, yet moaned about Titanfall for these things :confused:o_O
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Slappy

    Slappy Generation 2

    Aug 10, 2016

    The gaming community never ceases to amaze me with how they accept things from one developer and not the exact same thing from another.

    Hopefully they do create a great campaign and also a reason to replay it over and over again.
  8. Ninjajedaii

    Ninjajedaii Generation 4
    Elite Pilot

    Aug 10, 2016
    I don't understand it either.. I'm excited for the story and I hope the story excites but ultimately I'm more invested towards the multiplayer which I think most of us are anyway lol :)
  9. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Fickle is the word that comes to mind when speaking of the gaming community. I've got faith in Respawn.