Let's move forward...

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by DARK BAWGS, Nov 9, 2016.

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    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    #1 DARK BAWGS, Nov 9, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2016
    Man a live! This mean-spirited vitriol is really taking away from our forum’s value, in my opinion. It is so counter productive that I have stopped reading some members posts – which is a bad thing!

    Clearly there are some things that could be improved in the game, several in fact. Many of the contributors have made valid and considered points/recommendations; unfortunately there are those that only seem to want to provide us with their nasty, emotional and personal attacks and want to roll back to TF1 with enhancements (TF1.1). Next they will say they want their “outstanding stats” (their opinion) brought forward, so everyone will know how wonderful they are!

    Let us consider a couple of points before we rush too far down that road:

    · Quote: “…(more COD-like instead of boosting the things that made Titanfall unique)…” interesting since in TF1 the creators, former COD people literally copied from COD! As an example the upgrading of your guns with scopes, suppressors, grips etc. There were other minor things, which if I am correct was a part of the lawsuit brought by the COD people… They changed this away from the COD model in TF2 – was that part of the settlement?

    · COD copies TF1: yes that is what happened after TF1 was out and along comes Advanced Warfare with “jump Jets”, parkouring and an almost exact copy of the TF movement system.

    o BO3 - toned it down a bit and I believe that is because their maps just didn’t support that movement system, as do the TF maps that are designed with that movement system in mind.​

    o Infinite Waste (sorry Warfare) – let’s go to space and the future, just like Titanfall and try to make our maps more user friendly for this dumbed down movement system. The thing is that IW is so weak they had to bring a re-mastered MW back to carry the load. I understand there is even Titans in the game????​

    · Bottom Line– COD is selling out to TF not the other way around; as some would have us believe.

    · Quote: “…Titanfall 2 has been decimated in the press.” Just completely inaccurate and a twisting of the facts.

    o Community Reaction - recently looking on another forum which is a traditionally a big supporter of COD there are many unhappy players with several posts about what a great game TF2 is and that people may want to give it a try…​

    o Friends – yes I do have some… last evening I reviewed my friends on both consoles, most of them are COD friends as that was my long time game. It was about 3:1 people who were playing Modern Warfare vs those playing Infinite Warfare; now this is not empirical data just another indicator of how much trouble IW may be in!​

    o Public Media – a good deal of positive posts, YouTube vids and commentary about what a great game TF2 is. I posted a couple of them and they are not all from TF fans.​

    § Players – on Monday morning I went on both consoles and in total there were 20,000 plus players on and that does not include PC – when was the last time TF1 had that many?​

    · Timing: Originally I thought that the timing was terrible, hindsight being 20/20 it seems obvious that this might have been perfect as many disenchanted COD players (like myself) may look for another game and if they like FPS then TF2 is a natural choice – yes there are others but they are not new. There big mistake was lack of aggressive marketing.

    · Sales: Respawn had several tough decisions to make as they thought about TF2 and I am sure they recognized they would not have the initial sales results like they did for TF1, the reputation was damaged after the launch, so what should they look at:

    1. Financial Viability– with the current user community, can this game sustain itself and provide the necessary ROI. If we don’t come up with a viable plan will we be able to attract future investment?​

    2. Look and Feel – if we keep the same look and feel will we be able to attract a new larger community. Given how the initial launch of TF1 fizzled out would a TF1.1 really draw players back? Do we have to provide something that builds off the TF1 concept/model but offers a new more player friendly experience? Something that is different than COD. This might mean that we would be abandoning some of our current user base!​

    3. The Analysis – how do we decide on our course of action to meet or exceed our goals is the question that Respawn had to address, resulting in some tough and bothersome decisions.​

    a. Hardcore – this is a very small segment of the current user base and we can afford to lose them – in marketing terms we call this “firing the customer” which is what you do if they are not profitable in the long-term.​

    b. Dedicated – these are players that love the game and the basic premise, most would stay with the new version albeit they might not be overly enthusiastic but will adapt.​

    c. Casuals – players that come, go and comeback for another try; they have no great loyal to the game - this is a target segment as they are familiar and may not be avid because they were not totally happy with how the game plays but like the concept. If the new game can appeal to them they may move up to “dedicated” or at worst stay as casuals.​

    d. Lost Souls – this group was part of the original wave with TF1 that bailed after a while (me included). This group may be willing to give TF2 a chance and if they like it (they feel it is an improvement over “1”) then they will stay.​

    e. New Entrants – players out there that have never played TF but like what they hear and see so they give it a try – this is the big win if Respawn delivers a product that they like and decide to stay. With the negative reaction to IW this makes the timing perfect, if it is real.​

    All of this is to say that if Respawn didn’t take drastic action to bring in a larger more diverse community there would be no TF3; it would simply not provide the financial returns so they would move on to other projects, ignoring this fact is just simply wrong.

    Now some of the rhetoric I have read on our forum got me to thinking, is there another agenda going on, for instance did someone apply to Respawn for a job or offer suggestions that were ignored and as a result have made it their mission to “dis” Respawn and this game at every turn. I am not saying that is/was the case I am just saying it has been so personal and hostile that it causes one to wonder. What must forum visitors think and how will they react? Likely they will reconsider getting into TF at all, a loss for all of us!

    Lastly there are the personal insults to those that don’t agree with the divergent points of view – no we don’t need a “slap in the face” those sorts of comments just cause people to turn away and ignore the messenger and his/her message. When someone suggested that we should encourage gamers to go out and buy a copy of TF1 for $14 (bought mine for $9) and everyone play TF1 then they (Respawn) will get the message. I would have laughed if it weren’t such a sad, ridiculous statement. They couldn’t get/keep people the first time around why would they do it now.

    This forum is an opportunity for us as a TF community to promote our game, new players that drop in and see all this angry, negative stuff are likely to bail from the forum and the game and how does that help our community going forward (worth repeating). I want to have a TF3 and trust that if we deliver positive criticism Respawn will respond by giving us the game we all want to love. So I say let's stop this trash talk and move forward, together – live with the game we now have, count on them to deliver enhancements in upcoming DLC/updates so we get where we want in the end.

    I started this by commenting that there were many good suggestions/comments made on this forum I want Respawn to listen to them and make adjustments they believe are consistent with their goals for the game. The recent update is testament to the fact that they are listening to the community and making adjustments. To that end we must tone down the rash, emotional commentary and keep it positive and constructive. As someone who has been where they are I know that they just tune this harsh, unhelpful stuff out. Unfortunately the “screaming” just falls on deaf ears and some excellent points will go unnoticed and I do not believe that is in our best interest – we want them to open their ears so lets give them something to listen to!

    Thank you for allowing me to expound on this topic and contribute in what I trust is a positive and constructive way…
    • Like Like x 4
  2. SROSeaner

    SROSeaner Generation 2

    Oct 31, 2016
    I'm still not sure where you stand on this issue?

    Just kidding. :)

    I agree with a lot of what you said and there's good and bad to TF2 like any other game. All I know is I'm loving it despite me missing a few things from TF1.
    • Like Like x 3

    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    Thanks and I sure you realize I feel the same way that is why I went to the trouble to make this post...
  4. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    i think it's easy: people who dont like the game should give feedback in a civil way, peolpe who like it, give positive feedback,
    but both should be playing it,
    • Like Like x 2

    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    Absolutely, and if you took that I thought otherwise, I'm sorry it was not my intention - I want everyone to play and grow our community so we can have a better and better game as we go forward.
  6. ThirdGuyver

    ThirdGuyver Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2015
    Excellent points, excellent post.

    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    Thanks 3G
  8. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    I usually don't read "long" post but I'm glad I took the time to this time. I so understand the disappointments of many (I have a few myself) TF pilots... I feel for them/me/us. I can also understand "venting" but after the barrage of "venting" that our community endured it just makes me wonder/pray that it may finally be nearing an end. Just after the TF2 beta I shared my 2 cents worth, cancelled my pre-order and kept it moving. But then there are rabble rouser that just wanted to get and keep things going. Over and over again. Rehashing whats already been rehashed earlier in the week/day and sometimes hour. Day in and day out, over and over again with some post that would make the reader believe the writer to be bordering on fanatical. If the purpose of all that was to inform everyone of your dislike... mission accomplished. If your intent was to inject your venom into the vein of our "Community" creating rifts, discord and the basic harmony of a site that helps but personal crusades tried to tear it down. Thank goodness for the community's strong base and foundation that kept it afloat when others would tear it assunder. We have, as a community weathered that storm and wish to move on with hopefully some lessons that have been learned on how to better help instead of hindering the growth of something that you yourself belong to. Respect your community as well as the members of that community.
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    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    #9 DARK BAWGS, Nov 10, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2016
    Hey Rain, thanks for taking the time to read my post and respond. I was trying express what you said, just took too many words once I got on a roll.

    PS: I hope you give it another try as it grows on you... over all it is a pretty good game, if TF1 never existed I think people would be raving about what a good game it is...
  10. WorkInProgress

    WorkInProgress Generation 2

    Nov 4, 2016
    Aye! I get the feeling. Glad I had time in between bites of my delicious bagel to read this before class. To be honest, there's a lotta good that went into Titanfall 2. 50% of that is the campaign and being snarky with BT. The other 50% is the robots.

    ... I like the robots.

    Any case, I would prefer the maps to be more... friendly to the parkour. I remember being able to go crazy on Angel City and that one settlement that was set on fire. Now we got Eden, and that's nice, but then we get to Homestead, and that's much more wide-open with long sight-lines and a need for the Grappling Hook if you wanna get any parkour going.

    But I see what you mean. Figure we all should learn to make a list of what we like and don't, yeah?
    • Like Like x 2

    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    Yes a list would be good, my point isn't to discourage critical comment but rather to reframe it in constructive terms so the folks at Respawn and others visiting our forum will respond positively - make some needed/wanted changes or in the case of visitors join the community.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond.
  12. A4eaTransformer

    A4eaTransformer Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 3, 2015
    Yah! What he said. Now the next move is to quit bitching about bitching. I am still waiting for suggestions that can influence and affect change. But then again as I said on another post, maybe TF1 was all an accident and the designers really have no idea how to perpetuate their success? What an awful thought!
    • Like Like x 3
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. ThirdGuyver

    ThirdGuyver Generation 6
    Elite Pilot

    Apr 12, 2015
    Hey, was the trolling rating on rains post by accident? I know I've done it in the past

    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    Yes it was, sorry I thought I clicked like on my iPad - fixed it... thanks for pointing it out.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016

    DARK BAWGS Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Sep 19, 2016
    I have no problem with "venting" until it becomes personal. To imply that those that don't agree with our point of view are less qualified or don't have a clue (I paraphrase) that is going over the line. I tried to make it clear that I respect the opinions expressed even if I don't share them and I stand behind that; there have been many good points made by everyone venting or pom poming!
  17. rainman0211

    rainman0211 Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Oct 17, 2014
    Would have been alright if that was the way you felt. I always take it as a "thumbs down" since there is no emoji for it.;)
  18. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    I wish moving forward in debates we don't use the "they didn't listen to us Titanfall fans" argument because I'm one of the biggest Titanfall fans there is and I'm very passionate about it.
  19. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016
    #19 Trini Chinese, Nov 12, 2016
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2016

    Hello, BAWGS .
    nice post brother ,
    I want to say i do agree with most of what you said and you do have valid points to your debate , but you do realise that pretty much this is just another way of venting about people / members / gamers about venting .
    Granted at times members from all parts of the world even in different forums will post things that you will not agree with and some of them if read enough will look like it's being repeated , the net will always have this and in time you will see that it cannot be avoided , been there seen that.
    so please don't take this the wrong way as i read all your post and many others , each post i go into i read all members post and some i take it with a grain of salt , as some post can be misinterpreted in many different ways good / bad and confused depending on the state of mind of the reader and this goes also to when they write a post.

    you have to take into account that when you stop reading some members post is when you went wrong , as you have to take into account were the frustration and anger started in the first place . granted there a people on the net that are just there to piss people off hence the word trolling . this is something that will always happen and is to be expected.
    many members on here have many different views and like any debate we will not agree with all of them , but as for the venting part for some members their views have valid points and some i do agree have no substance and little reason to any points given by any member as part of constructive criticism it can't even be class as criticism so those comments are to be read with a grain of salt and move on . IMO

    Your take on the business concept is well put but you also have to take into account that they Respawn also made a lot of mistakes in the formula while i agree on the concept it is also a big gamble all business is like this with new IP in the gaming market hence the reason cod is falling , the only thing COD has going for them right now is brand this is why the cannot miss a year or take time off there game or consumers will lose interest very fast , that is one of the main reason that they have 3 companies making games under the same name hence the brand CALL OF DUTY .

    They loss players because of simple facts , not enough content , like your other post there is or was not enough content to keep the game fresh it got boring for many fast. that and they limited themself to consumers so they made a lot of mistakes form the first and they tried to make up with the second but it may not be enough. i want them to make a part 3 and want the best for the company and to keep making games , but sometimes making a great product is to stick to the recipe that made your product sell in the first place. granted after a while change in needed to keep thing fresh and this is when you do different thing without losing the core concept and yes easy said than done, this is where we come in and sometimes the devs or gamers out there need a bit of a place to vent good and bad venting does not meen it's a bad thing but a way to get what is on your mind. and to remind them sometimes it's about the vision they started with and not all about profit and business. and to keep them in check.

    while i understand that they are listening to the community and making changes , the anger for some of these changes should have not happened in the first place as the same things that they changed many have like this posted in the past on their views and yet the final launch version came out with these same mistakes and only now they are changing them or tweaking them , some are minor and some are major and even some are irrelevant .

    please note this is not directed to you in a personal way but to your post so if i offend you i apologize as this is not my intent.

    ps this quote is a bad business concept . very very bad .
    a. Hardcore – this is a very small segment of the current user base and we can afford to lose them – in marketing terms we call this “firing the customer” which is what you do if they are not profitable in the long-term.

    keep your views coming it's always a great thing on making a better product for the future. cheers
    • Like Like x 2
  20. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Trini my boy, always the voice of reason.
    • Like Like x 1