Multi-Screen in PC (3 Screens by using SLI)

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by SkyNetRush, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. SkyNetRush

    SkyNetRush Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    #1 SkyNetRush, Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2014
    First of all... it's a great game! Nice work!

    I play all games that I can, in 3 screens by using 2 Nvidia 460 GTX in SLI mode.
    This game works nice in 6000X1080 but there are a few problems about broken graphics (like many other games...). You can see how does it looks in my YouTube video
    [search my Youtube's channel (#SkyNetRush) ]

    The main problem is about interface. If I play in 3 Screens mode, I can't see the map nor other interface elements... It should be great to see it, but... no way.

    As I've said, there are many other little problems but nothing really important, just simple truncated polygins in peripherical monitors, but this problem about map is very important.

    I hope you can solve this problem because it's a great game to be played in 3 screens, Like Battlefield (My favorite).

  2. KingOfGaems

    KingOfGaems Helpin' you in the best way, day by day.
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 27, 2014
    This is a current issue and it has been reported, Vince has confirmed the other day ( I can look for the tweet if needed) that they are working on fixing this! :)
  3. SkyNetRush

    SkyNetRush Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    Great news!
    Thanks a lot! ;)
  4. D2ultima

    D2ultima Generation 4

    Feb 3, 2014
    If you force SLI, the game glitches out like crazy. If you didn't manually turn on SLI for this game, it's been running on a single card, or simply copying the data to your second card for the third monitor to display it. Not sure how your setup actually is, but the game isn't ready for SLI yet
  5. SkyNetRush

    SkyNetRush Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014

    I've set SLI mode in NVIDIA's panel (setting SURROUND mode), and then open the game and set resolution to 6000X1080 and that's all.. the game runs in this resolution using all 3 monitors, using SLI. This mode works with many games even if it is a very old game (with no official SLI support). For example, I'm play this way in games like "Alien Vs Predator" (Fox Interactive version released in 1999) HalflIfe 1 (1998) ...etc... games that, of course, hasn't been prepared to work in SLI (very vero old games...).

    There is another way to work with SLI and it's to set all full cards power to only one monitor (to improve performance)... may be this is the mode that is working as single card at this moment.... may be...

  6. D2ultima

    D2ultima Generation 4

    Feb 3, 2014
    If you're doing it that way, it isn't actually using SLI to boost rendering frames. Which means you aren't using SLI actually to render the game. It's the same if you run 3D on a game that only supports one GPU: the second card will copy the frames for the second display and you won't lose any performance, but you aren't actually using SLI to render the game.
  7. SkyNetRush

    SkyNetRush Generation 2

    Mar 17, 2014
    Well... In NVIDIA's panel, it's required that you have two cards (same model) and to link them (via SLI wire) to allow using surround mode.... I mean... if no SLI is working in surround mode, then it should be possible to enable this mode using two different cards and it's not.

    If I un-link the cards by putting out SLI wire, then I can't use this surround mode... that should mean that SLI is working in this configuration.. isn't it?

    Of course, as I explained before, there is another way to use SLI using bouth cards to render to one single monitor (in SLI menu it's called "Maximize 3D performance"). This is the way to use both cards to improve performance. If I configure this option in NVIDIA's panel, I gain about 10-15 FPS more... this should mean that some work is doing the seccond card.... May be that if the game was really optimized to work under SLI then I should gain about 30 fps more... it should be perfect! but anyway SLI looks like working a little...

    In AMD (old ATI) cards it could be different...
  8. D2ultima

    D2ultima Generation 4

    Feb 3, 2014
    If you're using two cards to make three screens, you're simply rendering the data on one screen with one card (or something to that effect). You're not using alternate frame rendering, which is what nVidia's SLI uses. Yes, you have SLI turned on, but you won't benefit from it in terms of raw FPS unless you force it all to one screen as you said the option is there to do. That's why I'm saying to be sure what you tell people, as currently it does NOT support the AFR format that nVidia usually uses, and others might think it's okay or that it does work.