Need Help. Titanfall Character Moving in Slow Motion.

Discussion in 'Titanfall PC' started by LorenzoMax, Aug 9, 2014.

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  1. LorenzoMax

    LorenzoMax Generation 1

    Aug 9, 2014
    My action figure is moving in slow mo while the rest of the participants and grunts are all at normal speed. When I use Stim my character moves at regular speed but still slower than normal Stim.

    I've deleted the game twice and re-installed it. I've reset the router and modem twice. Checked to make sure I'm on 64bit.

    I dunno what else to do? Any Ideas? All help would greatly be appreciated as I've not been able to play for almost a week.
  2. LorenzoMax

    LorenzoMax Generation 1

    Aug 9, 2014
    Somehow my Automatic Sprint got set to Never. That is why.