New Expedition DLC Coming in May

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by BallisticDad, Apr 12, 2014.

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  1. Clarkeh

    Clarkeh Post-Patch Generation 6 Pilot
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 17, 2014
    I had a similar idea but it would be a new game mode called Capital Engagement, Where its centerd in either the lower/higher atmosphere of a planet and each team had to board and attack the enemies capital ship and take out system/sub systems with the use of Titans and ground play, Could even mix it up with Hardpoint mechanics to activate Capital weaponary to destroy the other Capital's main guns/weapons.
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  2. Logans Prime

    Logans Prime Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    Maybe we should suggest this to Respawn?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Linkz973

    Linkz973 Generation 4

    Mar 29, 2014
    wall running and jumpping from tree to tree ima feel like a ninja so epic
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  4. BloodShot9001

    BloodShot9001 Generation 3

    Mar 13, 2014
    So from the mixed and matched responses that I'm too lazy at the moment to go through and tag every individual in...

    1. Maps all sound cool. Runoff sounds the "worst" in terms of what it sounds like it is, as it sounds like a Close Quarters map. However, the game didn't have many Close Quarters engagements, so it's not like it's a bad thing. I just know I won't like it. Not saying it'll be bad. :p The other two sound amazing, especially Wargames. I love it when games take something that wasn't a huge thing and make it bigger, such as turning there existing training grounds into a full fledged map.

    2. I heard someone said they're adding the decal thing for Titans, and I'm excited for this. One of my earliest posts was mentioning how I would love decals like in Armored Core, because making decals was the most fun to be able to customize my robots. Not to mention the level of creativity it allowed for some people to make emblems. Of course... we might also see dicks and dick-butt now, so it's a double edged sword of minor proportions...

    3. I am a little upset if it's just maps and updates, as I felt Respawn was capable of more, but it is there first game and first DLC, so I'm not expecting much, and I'm gonna enjoy it anyways. Just saying, I "want" more. :p But I'll still be content with what we get. Hoping for more updates in the future.

    Oh, and I'm hopign 360 gets these updates as well. XD
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  5. Logans Prime

    Logans Prime Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    BloodShot9001 I am agreeing with you 100 % about Respawns is able to do so much with this game they might as well push the limits of gaming even more!!! :)

    p.s. I love this game on pcs its amazing.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. TuffMeetsClassy

    TuffMeetsClassy NYC Native, OIF VET, Trainer, Professional Muter
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 22, 2014
    I don't know about you guys, but I'm still enjoying the game like I just removed the wrapper. DLC? Hell yea I'll be downloading that. The season pass was dirt cheap and now they're talking about more customizations...*throws money*
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Logans Prime

    Logans Prime Generation 2

    Apr 11, 2014
    This game is great im not saying its bad but that type of gameplay would be insane :)
  8. BallisticDad

    BallisticDad Played the very first FPS! *Duck Hunt*
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    Same Here!!!