Titanfall Generations requirements & challenges

Discussion in 'General Titanfall discussion' started by WhoIsDo, Mar 10, 2014.

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  1. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Its just weird..............not having my fav gun...............CAR...................:(
  2. TwinStripUK

    TwinStripUK Generation 1

    Mar 26, 2014
    Just read that they're dropping the Gooser challenge to 5 - FIVE!!! Now even for somebody as useless as I am, that;s WAY too low; should be 10 - 15 at least, maybe even 20.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. SteelCurtain

    SteelCurtain Generation 3

    Mar 20, 2014
    Lol I have to agree 5 is too low. I'm at 15 now & really want to get the 50 done, I like a little challenge & grinding out some kills. It may be the most frustrating thing I've done in awhile but it's gonna feel great when I get the 50. Also being a gen 6 proves greatness lol
  4. BallisticDad

    BallisticDad Played the very first FPS! *Duck Hunt*
    Elite Pilot

    Mar 29, 2014
    @WhoIsDo thanks for this post. This really helps with my understanding of how the generations in this game work!
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Sorrows Revenge

    Sorrows Revenge Generation 2

    Mar 18, 2014
    Any advice on that arc cannon because that gun is worthless
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  6. SteelCurtain

    SteelCurtain Generation 3

    Mar 20, 2014
    People are gonna hate you but take all the kills you can. Let your team take down the Titans health to where you only have to shoot them once on a small charge to doom them. Also it may be weaker but I had more success with it, use the insta shot or whatever it's called after you unlock it. I liked it a little bit more than the original charge up bullshit. I had all my kills done by the time I was level 40. Also I played a good bit of Last Titan Standing
  7. Kyoshi

    Kyoshi Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2014
    I swear, once you hit gen 5, its like they purposely designed at least one of the challenges for each gen to be some of the most frustrating, tedious, and just plain BORING challenges that I have ever witnessed in a game. 'Challenges' sometimes does not feel like the right word. Oh yeah, it's difficult, but honestly, is it even worth it?

    Now I am on gen 8 and apparently I have to kill 50 enemies by dropping a Titan on top of them...Umm....Yeah. This is something that literally is completely reluctant on you getting lucky. Is Respawn serious here? What great fun. I have to run around hoping to get my Titan then somehow drop it on enemies even though the majority of the maps do not even support this kind of gameplay at all.

    I am already getting bored of this game because of challenges like these. Seriously, what value do they add? Sure, you can inflate your ego that you managed to pull it off, but was it really worth it? Was it even fun? To me, this isn't.
  8. Vanthem

    Vanthem Generation 2

    Mar 29, 2014
    I'm only going on what I've read (since I'm G2 and taking my sweet time) but the titan drop kills also count grunts and spectres. So throw on the warpfall transmitter (if you even want it) and aim for a drop pod. Not guaranteed, but certainly easier than trying to crush 50 pilots.
  9. Kyoshi

    Kyoshi Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2014
    I thought of this. What makes this strategy difficult though are the map layouts. Since there are countless things that can obstruct where the Titan goes when you call it in, the majority of the time it will not be in the exact spot you put it (training grounds might be best for positioning. others, not at all).

    Doesn't that scream fun though? Running around trying to find grunts and Spectres to drop your Titan onto? Doesn't really seem all that productive in any way...On top of this I have to win 100(!!!) rounds, which I won't be helping my team too much if I try to go for this.
  10. Vanthem

    Vanthem Generation 2

    Mar 29, 2014
    No, it sounds pretty miserable, but I figure when I get to it, if I get to it, it'll be something I just chip away at. I'm really in no rush to blast through these Gen levels.
  11. Bardiel18

    Bardiel18 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 23, 2014
    Then maybe take a break from either the challenges, or the game itself? I know even I'm starting to feel a little burnt out trying to complete these and I'm only Gen 4. I'm taking my time, but hey, the point is that they're supposed to be challenging.

    Also, don't try to complete both challenges if you think it won't help with the win. I'd suggest going for the Titanfall kills first, and then move onto the wins. If your team still manages to win while you're doing the former challenge, then it helps the latter.
  12. Linkz973

    Linkz973 Generation 4

    Mar 29, 2014
    Honestly Respawn drop the ball on this, since their is no customization theirs really no reason to move on to the next gen at least in cod you get the emblems and camos here you get a sticker and thats pretty much it. I dont get to play that often with life in general getting in the way but my brother is already at gen 5. He said for me since i don't play that often there is no point to even move into the next gen. On this update they gotta add more personlizations to this game, emblems, tags, camos, clans, and for F**k sakes a party system.
  13. Kyoshi

    Kyoshi Generation 2

    Mar 22, 2014
    Doesn't that kinda show bad design when a 'challenge' makes me not want to play the game anymore? Seriously, what purpose does dropping my Titan onto 50 enemies serve? Oh yeah, it's challenging, but for all the wrong reasons. Doing this is not practical and I have not once went for this challenge until now, since they are forcing me to do it if I want to continue leveling up. Hell, I would rather have 50 more wins added to All I Do is Win, at least that is a challenge that makes sense.
  14. Noble Jones

    Noble Jones Generation 2

    Apr 2, 2014
    Sorry if this has been asked and answered, but can I work on the requirements before reach level 50? I mean for the next level, not in general.
  15. Bardiel18

    Bardiel18 Generation 5
    Elite Pilot

    Feb 23, 2014
    Nope - all challenges reset once you Regen, so it's a start from scratch each time.

    There are definitely some more tedious challenges there, but you know, sometimes it's nice to just play and not worry about it. I know this can't be the case for everyone, because some people like to tackle the challenges and focus on them 100%, but I wouldn't palm it off as just "bad game design". Sure, it's a misstep or poor choice, but not completely bad design. Other people slogged through this, just as they did with other "senseless" or "too difficult" challenges (Gooser, et al) after all
  16. Noble Jones

    Noble Jones Generation 2

    Apr 2, 2014
  17. Noah Blevins

    Noah Blevins Generation 3

    Feb 1, 2014
    The challenges are not mandatory. Noone is forcing you to do them. Seriously.....there are a total of 3 challenges that may extend your time moving through the gens.

    There's gooser, there is the 100 wins, and the 50 MVPs. If you get 2 or 3 titans per match, there is no reason you can't accumulate 50 titan crushes over the course of the 100 wins.

    In exchange for the added difficulty of those 3 challenges, you level up a whole heck of a lot faster than in most other FPS games. Does it really matter that much if you reach gen 10 after 4 weeks of release or 5 weeks?

    Seriously, stop the whining. It's not that bad.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Verthaa

    Verthaa Generation 2

    Mar 11, 2014
    I am 20k from 3rd gen and can't play until tomorrow, shoot me! (no, don't actually shoot me)
  19. Kingkat54

    Kingkat54 Generation 7

    Dec 9, 2013
    Wonder if they thought about , maybe letting you KEEP all your weapons, and then having newer more difficult challenges for each one? Its kinda weird that as I became Gen 2 I LOST my weapons I worked hard for. Always thought BFBC2 had a good set up. But tis is a different game and they set different parameters.

    I am not sure I will go beyond Gen 2.
  20. stewyash366

    stewyash366 Generation 3

    Mar 7, 2014
    I'm gen 3 at the mo and struggling with the rail gun challenge god only knows how long it will take me to complete so any advise would be great