Update from Jay

Discussion in 'Titanfall 2 News & Discussion' started by Ik0n88x, Feb 10, 2017.

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  1. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
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  2. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    what is FNN?
    where do you find this info?
  3. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    We need the update soon. The numbers on this game look like there getting lower and lower , I was hopefull that this game and franchise would be on a steady rise but it doesn't look like it's getting anymore popular. They need to get this update out and stop the bleeding, then someone on the social media side of things needs to take a liking to this game and give it a shot and expose the game to his/her fanbase. In 1-2 months their next update should come out and it better be a big update. They can't afford to screw around anymore.
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  4. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    exactly! they must release one dlc right after the other, the number of players is decreasing day by day
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  5. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    Respawn really needs to listen to these gracious and respectful pleas from those who are trying really hard to like and stick with the game. I really feel bad for those who are offering suggestions and pleading for help. There just seems to be no sense of urgency and honestly it feels like Respawn has their fingers in their ears and are going, "LA LA LA LA LA...I don't hear anything...LA LA LA LA LA".
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  6. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Well something I read from respawn they said they have only worked on the game for 5 weeks since the launch. Dec they were given the whole month off. We are getting Live Fire because this was the first content that was gonna be ready for releasing. They are not ignoring the fans by choosing this over an update with more maps and other things. They said creating more maps takes MONTHS to do. This new mode was worked on before the game even launched. So they are just following through with it. I'm sure they had/have a lot more plans for this game but they can't afford to miss anymore steps here. They have to set the bar here and not give up on this game having bigger success.
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  7. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    This is going to sound like I am arguing with you Omega, but I'm not. I know you are just sharing what they said. My problem is with them and only with them. Remember, I come from a background where I have to deliver global applications that are rock solid from day 1, so I am always putting myself in their shoes and how I would feel and what I would do. You also have to remember this is not their first rodeo. They made Titanfall and I believe a large part of this team worked on some of the Call of Duty games, so they know what it takes to put a game out. Here is my problem with them using this "takes MONTHS" to create more maps argument. They knew this in October 2014 when they did the last thing they were ever going to do on TF1, so they had 24 months from that time until TF2 launched. Were they working on anything else? I don't think so. I haven't seen any other games released from Respawn during those 2 years. Also, way back in October 2014 when they could have begun working on TF2, they also knew better than anyone that TF1 had launched with 15 large, well designed maps and that the users should rightly have the expectation that they are going to have at least that many maps to start with, so with 24 months to work with, you could have had a map design team working on them and spending 1-1/2 months per map and you could have actually produced 16 maps in that amount of time. But they didn't do that and that is what I have a problem with.

    My other problem is this whole "Free DLC" crap and how every time they do one little thing some act like we should be grateful because it is "Free". No, I'm sorry, but when TF1 launched with 15 large, well designed maps, and TF2's maps are smaller, then in my opinion, until we see at least 18 maps in TF2 we haven't even reached the point where we've gotten anything free yet. At this point, they still owe us for what they should have delivered at launch and I am sick and tired of them getting a free pass on it. And think about that, if we use my logic that nothing is actually free until we have at least 18 maps, are we ever going to see any free content? Probably not. Heck, they are only going to be putting out the 11th map in March (and that's only if they don't delay that now) and that will be 5 months after launch. The support for TF1 ended after 7 months and they were actually getting paid for that DLC and they didn't have a Star Wars game to worry about, so do you really think we will ever get enough maps to equal what we should have had at launch at which point the content would actually start being "Free"? I seriously doubt it in which case we all paid for a game expecting to get X + Y, where X is what the base game should have had and Y was any "Free" icing on the cake. Can't you see that we are probably never even going to get the X we deserved for paying for the game? And that the whole "Free" Y we were promised and they got praised for is never going to come? This is what irritates me out of my mind. They keep getting praised as if they are delivering Y and they have only delivered about 60% of X so far.

    Finally, remember how I said I am always putting myself in their shoes and how I would feel and what I would do? If I was a Respawn developer right now, I would know this game was inadequate. I would know the users deserve more. A lot more. I would take pride in my work and I would be working nights and weekends trying to get some maps ready, because that is what the users deserve. You have to take pride in your own game. They are not doing that and I have a HUGE problem with that.
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  8. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    Of course I question the same things you do. But I do not know how long things take to make or develop. I also try to put myself in their position as well and I say maybe they really killed themselves and worked extremely hard for 2 years to get Tf2 released , they apparently were given an entire month off seemingly because they worked hard on the game and the management didn't want them to be burnt out . Most of the time people do not appreciate another persons time an effort . Making the campaign mode and making the 6 individual titans as far as I know could have taken a large time of development, the rest of the time was for the maps. Also how long was Tf1 in development? To keep mentioning that Tf1 launched with more maps without mentioning it didn't have a campaign mode is deceiving. Tf2 can be argued it has the same exact value Tf1 had , but the resources and time were spent a little differently. Had they abandoned the campaign mode for Tf2 i would expect it to have launched with more maps, wouldn't you ? The changes to the multiplayer I'm sure also was a big reason for less content on launch , had they just built apon the first game and just added more then Tf2 might have launched with more stuff. I know this will be your argument, that they should have just did that but the point still stands that they weren't just kicking back and relaxing and not giving a crap. The fact that they also re worked how the game would play online probably contributed to the loss of time creating more maps. Or it could be all BS im not sure who would really know.

    The free dlc most likely won't work out , perhaps if the game was doing really well they would feel more inclined to support this game with good updates because they know the product is a value to them. But the way it looks now that may not be true. How long can we expect a developer to support a game that is dropping in value ? Especially dong it free . It would be better to just pay for the content then atleast you know it's coming and you know what your investing your time and money in. I still hope they would fully support Tf2 because why spend all that time building this game and this franchise to give up on it so fast . Tf2 is not a failure in the gaming world , in fact it's the highest rated fps and even won game of the year in that regard , it may be somewhat of a failure in the business sense but they should still stand by this product knowing it is of high quality . Having that month off has hurt this game because they most likely would have had that live fire update out by now on their way to releasing the next update next month. This would have been crucial to keep this game moving in a positive direction. But I can't take a whip out and hit respawn with it lol
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  9. Ik0n88x

    Ik0n88x Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    Jan 25, 2014
    FNN is short for "Frontier News Network" which is the blog that the community manager posts on their official site for updates regarding the game. I get all of my information from the official Titanfall 2 forums.

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  10. itbeatswalking

    itbeatswalking Generation 3

    Jul 5, 2016
    Being a middle-aged gamer with only an hour here, 30 minutes there to play TF2, I wasn't in a huge hurry for more maps... until now. For the first time since release (on Xbox) the player count was below 10K on Weds @ midnight & just under 11K on Sat. morning @ 10AM . I don't know what happened, but up until a week ago those #'s were 5-8K stronger at those times. I really enjoy the game and hope they can right the ship!
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  11. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    at least they could say if there will be new maps or not, what kind of content we'll have in next dlc's
    to know what to expect
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  12. Omega82

    Omega82 Generation 5

    Dec 21, 2016
    The people who are actually still working on this game are probably doing there best to deliver content. But are all hands on deck ? Most likely not. So essentialy they have given up on this franchise for now. I don't know if the devopment team is to small or what the reasons are but content has still not been released even though people are desperate for it. This guy jay the community manager said an announcement is coming out to give us a release date ? Lol. Buddy the release date should be next week ! " uh Attention pilots on the frontier , our next small update called Live Fire will be Available on MAY 20th!!!!!!!! Isn't it exciting !!'" No actually it's not exciting because it's taking way to long for action. If the game was doing well that's one thing but Tf2 has entered the realm of a sinking ship , the team needs to be a united front and prevent this from happening and good Press would go A LONG way to prevent the sinking. That means get the announcements OUT , get the updates out , I have played the game for 200 hours and loved it but now I'm even getting annoyed with this delayed bs
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  13. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    This is exactly right. When you need major surgery on your heart, a bandaid on your knee is not enough and then they even say they are going to delay the bandaid on your knee. Uggghhh!!!! Really?

    Yes, they need to at least acknowledge the problem exists and then have some urgency about it. Besides getting the announcements and updates out, what would really be nice are actual hard promises in writing of exactly how long they plan to support this game, exactly what they plan to put out and exactly when they plan to put it out for the entire support life cycle of this game. They need to show us a commitment. For example, if they came out and committed to supporting this game until January 2018 and committed to something like this:
    May 2017 - 3 new maps
    July 2017 - 3 new maps <<< Now we are where TF1 launched, nothing prior or including this was "Free"
    Sep 2017 - 3 new maps
    Nov 2017 - 3 new maps
    Jan 2018 - 3 new maps <<< This would at least bring us to and actually past the number of maps TF1 had at the end.

    ...even I would applaud them for committing to that. See this is the problem though. They don't want to commit, because then it gives them the option of doing little or nothing and not being held accountable. And they can always fall back on the "Free" DLC argument, but my argument is that until the Sep 2017 release I mentioned above we will not have received one free thing yet. The Sep, Nov and Jan releases would actually be the only free content out of the whole thing.

    And this is exactly why there needs to be a sense of urgency. They are even starting to lose the faith of their staunch defenders.
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  14. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016
    yep agreed , info is to slow for the times we are in , it this was the only game then it is what it is , but with the competition out there and the state of the game and lack of content info is still very slow..
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  15. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016

    well said . agreed.
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  16. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016

    well said bro , agreed.
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  17. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I just want to add another thing here, because even if they committed to the plan I laid out above (which I doubt they will even come close to), the game might just finally start hitting it's stride around the time this comes out:


    This is why there needs to be extreme urgency RIGHT NOW to not only salvage the user base you still have, but to try to grow it some more while you still can.
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  18. Derrame

    Derrame Generation 6

    Aug 17, 2016
    besides the lack of content and the far away dlc release date,
    it's the lack of communication or announcements or even words from the dev team that worries me,
    this month we'll have two maps for life rire mode, ok nxt month only one map, ok, then what? one map each month!?
    by the time when a new maps comes out we are already bored of the previous map

    it worries me that Respawn don't communicate anything regarding number of players decreasing,
    it's impossible that they don't know, maybe they don't care? they plan to release very little content in few dlcs and then just forget?
    this lack of communication is cause of much consternation

    i seriously hope that in the coming months they release lots of dlc's full of new amazing content and they just solve this situaton once and for all and we can enjoy this game at it's fullest super-titanic awesomeness and this last months were just bad memories
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  19. Trini Chinese

    Trini Chinese Generation 7

    Jul 1, 2016
    i agree with you on this 100 % and then some .

    i will be getting my COOP FIX with ghost recon . and gears of war 4

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  20. ensc

    ensc Generation 7
    Elite Pilot

    May 29, 2016
    I hope so too. By the way, I like what you did there: super-titanic :)
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