Video World Record Attrition Score? 170 Points. Tips. VIDEO GUIDE!

Discussion in 'Titanfall Creations' started by AndyInput, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. AndyInput

    AndyInput Generation 2

    Mar 5, 2014
    Hey guys, in this Titanfall Attrition gameplay I score 170 points. I believe this to be one of the top scores in the world at the time of playing.
    In this video I give 3 good tips that link together fundamental parts of playing Titanfall and getting good scores.

    If you enjoy the video please have your Input and stop by my channel. Any feedback is appreciated. Also sharing it in other relevant places would be a profound action.


  2. Linkz973

    Linkz973 Generation 4

    Mar 29, 2014
    Now this is an epic video, you sir have made me want to run out of work and try to beat your score lolz i got videos on my channel as well. I will deffinetly like and sub